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Sustainable Ag Educators' List

Dear SANET subscribers;

It's been a long while since SAEd-Share-L invited SANET subscribers to join us.

So here goes:

You are invited to join the Sustainable Agriculture Educators' Share List
(e-mail discussion list) called SAEd-Share-L.

SAEd-Share-L focuses on educational issues in teaching and facilitating
sustainable agriculture and food systems education. In some ways, this
focus is more narrow than SANET. There is less 'production discussion' and
more talk about college programs for sustainable ag (new or otherwise), how
to organize courses in sus ag, and which texts might help students.

We talk about the opportunities and limitations for progress when using
participatory and experiential education as adult educators.

Our talk may range widely, however, when we include strains from
educational psychology, humanities, or other social science disciplines.

K-12 educators, farmers, and students are more than welcome to join the
list in addition to college faculty and researchers, farm leaders and
nonprofit organizational staff, and extension staff.



Send a message to: listproc@cornell.edu
Type: subscribe SAEd-Share-L your own real name


Activity is moderate to light (less than SANET). SAEd-Share-L's 240
subscribers are mainly from North America, but include many from the
Pacific Rim, Europe and Latin America.

* Sponsor: the Education Task Force of the Consortium for Sustainable
Agriculture Research and Education (CSARE)

* Advisory Board: Chuck Francis, University of Nebraska, and David Deshler,
Cornell University.

* List manager: Nancy Grudens-Schuck, ng13@cornell.edu, doctoral student,
Dept. Education, Cornell University

Contact Nancy GS at ng13@cornell.edu for help or for more info.


Nancy Grudens Schuck
Graduate Student
Cornell University

Mailing address (Aug. '96-July '97)

14 Home Street Apt. 202
Guelph, Ontario, N1H 2E5

E-mail: ng13@cornell.edu
