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Resources, IPM (Integrated Pest Management) Network

Hi - sorry if this is a second post - I got a message that it didn't post -
P. Dines

For your info - P. Dines

--- FORWARD ---
From: Joseph Makuch, INTERNET:jmakuch@nal.usda.gov
To: Patricia Dines, 73652,1202
To: enviro-news@nal.usda.gov
Date: Fri, Mar 7, 1997, 8:21 AM
Subject: If Global IPM is of Interest ... (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 97 14:55:42 PST

            |                   ======                   |
            |     Integrated Pest Management Network     |
                              6 March 97
            If any of your programs, activities, or interests--or
        those of colleagues--relate to IPM, and you (they) haven't  
        taken advantage of IPMnet and free, direct electronic 
        delivery of the monthly IPMnet NEWS, access to IPMnet's 
        Web site, and links to useful IPM information such as 
        the expanding Directory of IPM Resources... then this
        short message could be of interest and use. (If you're
        already linked to IPMnet, have received this message pre-
        viously, or have no interest in Integrated Pest Manage-
        ment, accept our apologies and excuse/ignore this post.)

      [ ___ _____ __    __              __   __ __ __         __ ___  ]
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      [ === ==    ===  ====   = \==/ \/ ===   ======= === === \=====/ ]
      [ ------------------------------------------------------------- ]
      [ IPMnet NEWS              March  1997             Issue no. 39 ]
      [ ------------------------------------------------------------- ]
      [          IPMnet, the Global IPM Information Service,          ]
      [     is sponsored and provided without cost to recipients      ]
      [      by the Consortium for International Crop Protection      ]

      ...............{ text deleted--explanation follows }.............

      IPMnet is a free, global, collaborative, electronic Integrated Pest 
Management information source specifically focused on contempoary, econom- 
ic, environmentally-attuned approaches to managing/controlling weeds, plant

diseases, insects, nematodes, and vertebrate pests. IPMnet and the 
electronic newsletter it produces--IPMnet NEWS (the masthead above)--offer 
services via both:
          (A) automatic direct delivery to your e-mail box each month; and,
          (B) on the World Wide Web.

     IPMnet NEWS, now in its fourth year of service, is purpose-designed to

provide very brief, timely, balanced, worldwide "news-you-can-use" to 
all concerned with: IPM development, research, implementation, adoption, 
policy, and impact. IPMnet itself now links more than 1,800 recipients in 
86 nations. In fact, network participants create the substance that has 
helped IPMnet emerge as a major informative and cooperative global commun-
ication conduit for IPM--and all the involved disciplines and professions.

     IPMnet is sponsored by the not-for-profit Consortium for International

Crop Protection (CICP), a pioneer in international implementation of envi-
ronmentally responsible pest management. The Consortium comprises 10 U.S. 
land grant universities, the Univ. of Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Dept. of 
Agriculture. While these institutions are predominantly located in the 
U.S., IPMnet's charter clearly emphasizes an international focus.

     Can IPMnet's free resources be of service to you or your colleagues? 
If you would like to ....

        [1] Request a sample "copy" of IPMnet NEWS, issue #39 (Mar. 1997),
                or earlier issues, sent directly to your e-mail address 
                (an easy way to assess the usefulness and balance of its 
                subject matter content relative to your activities);

        [2] Subscribe for regular monthly delivery of IPMnet NEWS (files
                circa 47K/issue) sent to your e-mail address: NOTE--beyond
                access to the Internet, there is no cost to recipients;
        [3] Receive information about IPMnet's background: its rationale,
                history, and sponsor; or,

        [4] Request IPMnet's World Wide Web access information .....

.. then, IPMnet invites you to send an e-mail message indicating any,
or all, of items #1-4 for which you desire a response, along with your 
preferred e-mail address, to:


                               .....and IPMnet will respond accordingly. 

     In addition: IPMnet NEWS welcomes receiving information about global/
local IPM developments. Please forward to <IPMnetNUZ@bcc.orst.edu> any news

items you believe would be interesting and useful to the worldwide IPM 
community such as: progress, new research, set-backs, technology, methods, 
etc. IPMnet NEWS makes an effort to fully acknowledge sources and authors, 
when known. 

     The NEWS also welcomes information about PUBLICATIONS (as long 
as they relate to IPM), and CALENDAR events (meetings, symposia, 
conferences, short courses, etc.). The IPMnet CALENDAR is one of the 
most complete continually maintained lists of international, regional, 
and national IPM-related events available anywhere.

     Please forward this information to other individuals or institutions 
who have an interest in IPM, and encourage their participation. IPM and 
the results its broad adoption can achieve, after all, are important in one

way or another to nearly everybody.

     IPMnet welcomes you to use its facilities, and looks forward to 
providing useful information in support of your professional activities 
and your organization's programs and goals.

                          Cordially,   ---A.E. Deutsch (for CICP)
                                          IPMnet NEWS Coordinator/Editor