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Re: On Saline Agriculture (and now for something completely different... :-)


My sister, being married to an Eritrean, pointed me to this interesting
project of seawater agriculture in Eritrea http://www.seawaterfarms.com

There was a report about it on German TV a few days ago. They grow shrimps,
fish and a plant called salicornia, and plant Mangrove trees.

----- Original Message -----
From: John Schinnerer <eco_living@yahoo.com>
To: permaculture <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 3:22 AM
Subject: On Saline Agriculture (and now for something completely
different... :-)

> Aloha,
> Just stumbled over this long article on experiments with saline
> agriculture, i.e. growing multifunctional plants that can handle
> brackish groundwater in areas where that's all there is and salinity is
> a persistent/systemic issue.  There are in this article some refreshing
> evidences that concepts such as relations between elements and
> context-appropriate bio-design are being noticed by people who have
> likely never heard the word "permaculture."  And it's from the site of
> the International Atomic Energy Agency...!
> http://www.iaea.org/worldatom/Press/Focus/SalineSoil/saline_main.shtml
> =====
> John Schinnerer, MA
> --------------------
> - Eco-Living -
> Cultural & Ecological Designing
> Food - Shelter - Community
> john@eco-living.net
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