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Re: Toby Hemenway's new book

Hi Graham et al: The publisher, Chelsea Green, will contact Permanent
Publications to see if they want to distribute it. I imagine it's available
through Amazon.uk. 

As far as its relevance for the UK, though it's got a North American focus,
most of the species and techniques will do fine in the UK. I live in the
Pacific Northwest, which in many ways is as close to Britain's climate as
the US gets. I do mention some  US locales in it, which may be unfamiliar to
those across the big pond. Think of it as my payback for Patrick
Whitefield's "How to Make a Forest Garden" which works well in most of the
US, but has all those strange English words and (un)common plant names in

We'll have some excerpts up on the Chelsea Green website in a few days so
you can decide for yourself.

on 5/3/01 1:07 PM, Graham Burnett at gb0063551@cableinet.co.uk wrote:

> The book looks good from the pic at the website-
> 2 Questions-
> 1.is it available in the UK- eg, through Permanent Publications,
> 2. how relevant is it to UK situations?
> Cheers for now,
> Graham Burnett