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Creative Education for PCers

Creative Education Course
for Teachers of Permaculture and Environmental Education

March 6 to 11
Hacienda San Gaspar, Juitepec, Morelos, Mexico

Involved in enviromental education, working with community groups,
public teaching, group facilitation????

What to be more effective in your presentations? More dynamic? And
ensure your students retain the relevant information??

Then this course is for you!!!!!

For six days you will work with internationally-renowned Permaculture
Teacher, Skye in a relaxed, fun and exciting program of discovering how
people learn and how to make yourself a memorable, effective
teacher/communicator.  The emphasis is on creativity, interaction within
the classroom, full participation of everyone and maximizing information
retention. The course is  about these concepts, it also will use these
concepts. Participants will not be just told of these teaching
techniques, but rather will experience them and have the opportunity to
practice them within the dynamics of the course.

If you are prepared to try something different, be creative, be open to
new ideas and fully participate, then don’t miss this opportunity to
expand your horizons. This is not YET AOTHER COURSE, this is a challenge
to how you experience learning, and how you pass on the information most
important to you.

For over ten years Skye has been developing and testing these ideas,
which are firmly based in modern psychological and educational research.
Mainly involved in Teaching Permaculture, Skye has taught I in many
countries including Australia, USA, Englnd, Japan and Africa. In 1992 he
co-authored the "Manual for Teaching Permaculture Creatively", and in
1998 conducted  teaching/facilitation courses in Cuba, England, Germany,
Kenya, South Africa and Australia. Australian by birth, Skye now lives
in Mexico and despite numerous calls for his expertise from overseas
prefers to concentrate on working in Mexico.

Don’t miss this exciting opportunity!!!!

$200.00US (includes accomodation, meals…but not travel to the venue!)

For more information contact Cristina Mendoza,  (DF) 5539 0716,
or Skye skye@tortuga.com

Skye - Sevilla #312, Col. Portales, CP 03300, DF México. 5539 0716
Profesor y diseñador en Permacultura
Director del Instituto de Permacultura de México A.C.
Talleres de desarrollo humano, planeación participativa y economía