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Re: The Natural Step (Australia)

I'd heard of The Natural Step at a Cleaner Production seminar (CP is
another approach to sustainability coming from Europe ... it started by
looking at industry and showing that rather than attempting to clean up
pollution at the end there were many savings to be made by using technology
to prevent it in the first place.. a bit like permacutlure design with
industry - including industrial ecosystems... wastes from one industry
feeding another.  CP is now also looking to focus on agriculture.  Any good
search engine should find some good sites).  The next time I came across it
was at Woodford Folk Festival... a whole area was devoted to environmental
demonstrations and talks  (The Natural Step presentation was boring... it
also sounded like little progress had been made in Australia to date ... 
that's not meant to be a criticism of the approach ... just to fill you in
on what's happening here in Australia).
Cheers Rene