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Re: water utilization model (fwd) AIR WELLS

I'm very interested in learning more about this. does anyone have experience 
with a technology such as this? where could I find more information?
thanks in advance,
christopher peck

"""........Another interesting invention that has never been implemented
on a large scale was designed in 1931 by M.
Achille Knapen. He succeeded in condensing and extracting water from
warm air to irrigate fields and vineyards in
southern France with what he called, an "air well" (See U.S. patent no.
1,816,592). Looking like a 40-foot concrete
beehive, it was possible to produce as much as 6,000 gallons of water
daily for every 1,000 square feet of
condensing surface. An airwell can be built on practically any scale,
and the wall materials can be concrete blocks,
bricks or concentric hollow shells filled with sand or earth. A small
airwell 12 feet high and 12 feet across with walls
2 feet thick can supply a generous output of daily water. It can be
fitted with top and bottom air pipes, and a
multitude of condensing plates on the inside. Warm air circulates and
gives up moisture on the cool inside
condensing plates angled downward toward a catch basin at the bottom
were it is collected. Using scrap and local
materials, makeshift air wells could help solve many water problems in
drought ridden areas of the world, especially
in Third World countries. """
 bill evans>>