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Weekend workshop

Workshop Notice:

A Workshop for Self-Reliant Living: Introduction to Permaculture

presented by Jude Hobbs and Toby Hemenway

Learn the basics of permaculture, a design system for self-reliance that
teaches people to think creatively and ecologically about providing for
their basic needs. Permaculture uses ecological methods to design gardens,
houses, technologies, and communities that work with nature rather than
against it.  The subjects covered will give concrete strategies for Y2K
preparedness, and will be invaluable for homeowners, gardeners, architects,
landscapers, foresters, farmers, city planners, neighborhood organizers,
and anyone interested in sustainable living.

Date: May 21-23
Place: Lost Valley Educational Center, Dexter, Oregon (near Eugene)
Cost (tuition, meals, lodging): $175-250 sliding scale

For more information call (541) 342-1160
email: hobbsj@efn.org