Jonathan James McCreadie Lillie
Park Doctoral Fellow
New Media Studies and International Communication
The School of Journalism and Mass Communication
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
129 Windsor Cir.
Chapel Hill, NC 27516

Curriculum Vitae

Seeking employment as an Assistant Professor and Researcher of new media technologies, theory, & design; global media flows; technology discourses; and communication policy & theory


Ph.D. Student & Park Doctoral Fellow - The School of Journalism and Mass Communication
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (expected completion - May 2003, with the Certificate in Cultural Studies)
Advisor - Dr. Lucila Vargas

M.A. - The School of Journalism and Mass Communication
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1998
Thesis: "The Cultural Uses of New, Networked Information and Communication Technologies : Implications for US Latino Identities"

B.A. - Warren Wilson College, Asheville, North Carolina
History/Political Science, 1995

Primary Research Interests

New Media Studies / New Communication Technology
* The political economy of new media technologies (particularly Internet and mobile media): how they develop discursively, particularly across geographic/geopolitical regions, and how they are merged into daily uses, experiences, identities, and ways of knowing
* Online cultures, spaces, representations, and pornography
* Communication policy for new media at the global, regional, national, and local levels

International Communication

* How communication technologies, processes of globalization, and their multiple contexts are affecting cultural identity and ways of knowing via access to and uses of different media texts
* How and when can new technologies be used appropriately in local development projects
* How economic and communication policies affect use of communication technologies in disenfranchised communities
* The study of how and why certain communication technologies are used by different groups/societies and in development projects
* Global/regional communication policies, e.g. the European Union's "information society" policy agendas

Current Projects

* Founder and Managing Editor of online peer-reviewed journal, NMEDIAC: The Journal of New Media & Culture,
* Paper under review by the Journal of the Information Society
* Paper under review for a special issue of the journal Inter/Sections
* Working on dissertation on the intersections of mobile media and "information society" discourses
* Grant proposal recently accepted to fund study of the uses of PDAs as advanced instructional technologies


Lillie, J. (2002). Sexuality & Cyberporn: Towards a New Agenda for Research. Sexuality & Culture (6)2.

Lillie, J. (2002). Cultural Uses of the Internet: Implications for US Latino Identities. In Linda Banwell and Mel Collier (Eds.) Human Aspects of the Information Society: An International Collection of Papers. Newcastle, UK: Information Management Research Institute, Northumbria University.

Lillie, J. (2001). Book review of Goldberg, Ken (Ed.). (2000). The Robot in the Garden: Telerobotics and Telepistemology in the Age of the Internet. The Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies. <>

Lillie, J. (2001). Book Review of Herman, Andrew, and Swiss, Thomas (Eds.). (1999). The World Wide Web and Contemporary Cultural Theory. The Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies. <>

Lillie, J. (1998). Tackling Identity with Constructionist Concepts. M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture (1)3. <>

Conference Presentations

Lillie, J. (2002). The Castelian Subjectivities and Capital Discourses of Cooltown. Paper accepted for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association, November 21-24, 2002, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Lillie, J. (2002). Strategies for Participation. Paper accepted for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association, November 21-24, 2002, New Orleans, Louisiana. (Top Student Paper Award)

Lillie, J. (2002). Doing Cultural Studies in Cyberspace. Session organizer, chair, and presenter at The Crossroads in Cultural Studies, Fourth International Conference, June 29 - July 2, 2002, Tampere, Finland.

Lillie, J. (2002). Gadgets, Subjects, and Futures: Preparations for Everyday Life in Cooltown. Paper presented at the conference for The Cyberculture Working Group, "Critical Cyberculture Studies: Mapping an Evolving Discipline," The University of Maryland, April 26-27, 2002, College Park, Maryland.

Cante, R., and Lillie, J. (2001). The Cultural Analysis of Internet Pornography: Towards a Post Cartesian Internet Studies. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers, The University of Minnesota, October 12, 2001, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Carroll, B., and Lillie, J. (2001). Newspaper Readership and E-mail Immediacy: Can a Publication Have Its Cake and Eat It Too? Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Communication Association, October 5, 2001, Boone, North Carolina.

Lillie, J. (2001). Virtually Pornographic: A Theoretical Analysis of Pornography on the World Wide Web and A New Agenda for Research. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Communication Association, October 5, 2001, Boone, North Carolina.

Invited Presentations

"Internet Studies: Methodological & Theoretical Approaches of a Fragmented Field." Invited Presentation for the 'Food for Thought' lecture series. The School of Journalism and Mass Communication, The University of North Carolina, October 17, 2001, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

"Doing Cross-Disciplinary Literature Reviews." Invited Presentation for the 'Research Roundtable' lecture series. The School of Journalism and Mass Communication, The University of North Carolina, September 21, 2001, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

"Solutions for Internet Access: Possible Benefits of Local Access Projects." Invited Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Citizens Network for Sustainable Development (CitNet). Aqueduct Conference Center, May 19, 1999, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Teaching Experience

"Electronic Information Sources," JOMC 050 (Summer 2002)
Responsible for teaching two sections (forty+ students) of this course designed to teach web publishing and Internet issues. The School of Journalism and Mass Communication, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
* Instructor of Record
* Developed class syllabus, schedule, assignments, exams, and daily lectures

"Electronic Information Sources," JOMC 050 (Spring 2002, Fall 2001), Instructor: Dr. Deb Aikat
Teaching Assistantship at The School of Journalism and Mass Communication
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
* Lab Instructor: full responsibility for instruction of two lab sessions per week
* Lectured on issues of Internet research, virtual communities, and web design
* Responsible for grading papers and evaluation of web site projects

"Women in Mass Communication," JOMC 115 (Spring 2001), Instructor: Dr. Lucila Vargas
"Current Issues in Mass Communication," JOMC 146 (Fall 2000), Instructor: Dr. Lucila Vargas
Teaching Assistantship at The School of Journalism and Mass Communication
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
* Responsible for grading term papers for class of fifty students
* Lectured on issues of Internet research, media and gender, and pornography

Honors & Awards

* Top Student Paper Award for the Human Communication and Technology Commission at the Annual Meeting
of the National Communication Association, 2002
* Park Doctoral Fellowship - The School of Journalism and Mass Communication,
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2000 - 2003
* Student Government President, Warren Wilson College, Asheville, North Carolina, 1995
* Who's Who Among America's College and University Students, 1995
* Warren Wilson College Homecoming King, 1995
* Eagle Scout - Boy Scouts of America, 1991

Professional Experience

April 1999 to June 2002 : Senior Programmer/Analyst, Management Information Systems Group, Inc.
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina (part-time, September 2000 to June 2002)
* Back-end programming: MySQL, Perl, UNIX, Apache, NT
* Front-end programming: JavaScript, Flash & Director, DHTML, HTML, graphics, site design
* Sites created include :,,,,,

September 1998 to April 1999 : Web Developer, Persimmon IT, Inc.
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
* Back-end and front-end site development
* DHTML, HTML, JavaScript, CGI(Perl, Tcl) design and editing
* Worked on client sites, company sites, and product training modules
* Sites managed include :,,

January 1998 to September 1998: Project Assistant, The Center for Distance Learning
The School of Public Health, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
* Worked on developing distance learning curriculum
* Web publishing, site design, and Internet research
* Testing, home installations, and training for conferencing software
* Audio recording, editing, and streaming
* Lab troubleshooting and instruction (students & faculty)

Community Service

* Served on the Dean's New Faculty Search Committee for a "New Communication Technology" position at The School of Journalism and Mass Communication at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2001
* Web site design and maintenance volunteer for the Learning Disabilities Association of North Carolina, 1996-2001


Dr. Lucila Vargas, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, (919) 962-2366
359 Carroll Hall, Campus Box 3365
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-3365

Dr. Deb Aikat, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, (919) 962-4090
374 Carroll Hall, Campus Box 3365
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-3365

Tony Boyette, Vice President of Information Technology
Management Information Systems Group, Inc., (919) 406-8833
10 Laboratory Drive, P.O. Box 13966
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709-3966

Dr. Ken Hillis, Department of Communication Studies, (919) 962-4950
205 Bingham Hall, Campus Box 3285
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-3285