April 2001


School Update

Alumni and Friends





Current Issue



SPJ raises funds to create Raleigh Mann Award

The School's student chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists recently announced the start of a fund-raising campaign to create an award in honor of its longtime adviser, Raleigh Mann, who retired last June.

The chapter hopes to raise $10,000 over the next year to endow the fund and ensure that the award will be given annually. The award will be given to an undergraduate journalism and mass communication student at UNC-CH starting in spring 2002.

After conducting an initiation ceremony for new members Jan. 30, at which Mann was the guest speaker, SPJ chapter president Geoffrey Graybeal made the surprise announcement.

"During his tenure here as a professor and SPJ chapter adviser, Raleigh Mann constantly gave to the School, to the University, to SPJ, and most importantly to students," Graybeal said. "Even in retirement, Professor Mann continues to give selflessly of his time. It is in this spirit of giving that the chapter wishes to return the favor to Professor Mann. We want to ensure that his helping hand continues to aid others for decades to come. Professor Mann is more than deserving of such an honor."

Mann taught News Editing, News Writing and Reporting the Arts for 22 years in the School. He served as chapter adviser to SPJ for 15 years.

For information about how to contribute to the Raleigh Mann Award Fund, contact Jennifer Lamb, assistant dean for development and alumni affairs, at (919) 962-9467 or via e-mail at jclamb@email.unc.edu.