here are two versions of this article. They are equally complete in every respect, but they are tailored to different requirements dictated by your computer system.

The enhanced version (http://ibiblio.org/jsviscom/inquiry/enhanced) is designed for Internet Explorer and for Netscape 6.0 and later. Among its features is the ability to access enlargements of illustrations and notes more quickly than our basic version. The enhanced version is best viewed over high-speed connections to the Internet, as the enlargements are downloaded with each section of the essay, which increases the initial downloading time but eliminates waiting for individual illustrations while reading the text. Users should watch their status bar at the bottom of the browser window to make sure that the section’s illustrations are fully downloaded before viewing them.

The basic version (http://ibiblio.org/jsviscom/inquiry/basic), with fewer technical enhancements, is designed for older versions of Netscape and for slower connections to the internet. In this version, each enlargement is downloaded separately when you click on its thumbnail illustration.

In both versions, clicking on a thumbnail illustration or illustration number in bold will present you with an enlarged version of that illustration; clicking on the enlargement returns you to that thumbnail illustration or illustration number. The same is true for the notes, where clicking on a note's number presents you with the text for that note, and clicking on the word "close" (enhanced version) or on the text for the note (basic version) returns you to that point in the article's text from which reference to the note is made.

For best viewing, allow your browser to use document-specified fonts--that is, the fonts we have chosen for the article. Some users elect for various reasons to increase or decrease font size, but this can throw off the alignment of thumbnail illustrations to text and create spacing problems throughout the essay. In Netscape the correct setting can be found in the menu at the top of the screen under Edit/ Preferences/ Appearance/Fonts/ Use document-specified fonts, including Dynamic Fonts. From the menu at the top of the screen in Internet Explorer, choose View/Text Size/ Medium (6.0) and View/TextZoom/100% (5.0).

Both versions of the site are best viewed with your monitor set to True Color, sometimes termed "millions of colors." On the PC, you can adjust your monitor's setting under Display in the control panel.