Cooperative for Public Understanding

Knowledge => Understanding => Action

About CPI, our goals, membership, focus
News Letter
Problems can be solved when there is understanding.  The Cooperative for Public Understanding (CPU) brings understanding to the public, through knowledge.

The CPU:

1. Establishes a cooperative among public knowledge based organizations.

2. Fosters communication among organizations, and between the public and the organizations.

3. Establishes guidelines on how to communicate.

4. Presents reports from these organizations, summarizing critical global issues.

Goals in detail

The Cooperative focuses on critical global issues, including (list of topics.....)

Publications and conferences by member organizations:

Global Social Conditions.
From the Global Social Issues Association (link to report)

The Current Situation on (topic).
From the (topic) Association.
(link to report)

  Newsletter Archive
(link to reports)
This project is sponsored by the  The Global Social Change Research Project
This project is not associated with any organization except those listed on this web site.

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