Completed projects

Development Board project

Every student builds a ``Development Board'' in their first project course, which is a platform for future projects and experiments. It consists of a perforated 16" by 20" steel subpanel (intended as the subpanel for an electrical enclosure) supported by four furniture coasters and holding two DIN rails for mounting terminal blocks. Also located on the Development Board is a step-down power transformer and rectifier assembly for converting 120 VAC line power to safe, low-voltage DC for powering other circuits. This particular board also contains a PCB with an adjustable voltage regulator circuit.

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The perforations facilitate easy mounting of printed circuit boards, upon which may be built any manner of useful circuits such as signal generators, digital meters, frequency counters, logic probes, etc. When fully populated, such a Development Board may serve as a complete laboratory for experiments which students may use in any location offering 120 VAC power.

Projects completed for external clients

Projects completed for the EET program

Projects completed for personal use