Table of Contents

Lesson 1 - Verb Root
Lesson 2 - Pronouns and Present Tense Conjugation
Lesson 3 - Present Tense (cont.) and Direct Object
Lesson 4 - Plural and Respective Pronouns
Lesson 5 - Direct Object (cont.)
Lesson 6 - Present Tense Conjugation
Lesson 7 - Direct Object (cont.)
Lesson 8 - Direct Object (cont.)
Lesson 9 - Future Tense
Lesson 10 - Irregular Verbs (Present and Future Tense)
Lesson 11 - Respective Command
Lesson 12 - Plural
Lesson 13 - Infinitive Verb Form
Lesson 14 - Future Tense of athu (it)
Lesson 15 - Negative Command
Lesson 16 - Past Tense
Lesson 17 - Past Tense (cont.)
Lesson 18 - Memorizing Verb Classes and Conjugation Rules
Lesson 19 - Past Tense of Irregular Verbs
Lesson 20 - Indirect Object
Lesson 21 - Noun + (u)kku
Lesson 22 - Noun + (u)kku (cont.)
Lesson 23 - Past and Present Tense Negative
Lesson 24 - Future Tense Negative
Lesson 25 - Habitual Verbs -- Present Tense vs. Future Tense