University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of _____________

and the

School of ___________ at
_________________ in ____________


This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) serves as a facilitating document toward establishing cooperation,__________________ between the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-Chapel Hill) School of __________and the School of _______ in ____________. 


All of the provisions of this MOU and attached documents/project proposals/addendum are subject to mutual agreement of the parties, to the availability of appropriate funding at each institution, and to review by the UNC-Chapel Hill Associate Provost for International Affairs, and when necessary, the University Counsel.  Parties to this MOU have the right to negate this MOU and any future addendum by informing the partner in writing six months prior to agreement termination date.


Proposed Partner Background: (Optional)

As the School of ____________at _____________ has earned a reputation as one of the _____________schools in the world. ____________is particularly distinguished for ________________________.


The UNC-Chapel Hill School of ___________is a leading professional school of its type in the United States and provides a diverse educational program. Its faculty and students are actively involved in research projects ranging from______________.  Its teaching activities and areas of expertise are equally diverse, including educating________________, as well as more traditional students, who are enrolled in graduate and professional degree programs.


Long Term Objectives:

To formally establish ongoing collaboration between the faculty of the UNC-Chapel Hill School of ________ and the School of ______________________ in _______________ by developing ___________programs _______________. 


In order to support the development of this partnership, both institutions agree to have an annual review of progress and agreement renewal every five years.


Collaborative Partnership Proposed Activity:

Both institutions have engaged in a variety of informal communication and visits to expand relations and build collaborative efforts.  The UNC-Chapel Hill ________School has an established working relationship with the School of ______________.  The UNC-Chapel Hill School of ____________administration and faculty see this proposed cooperation as an extension to already established UNC-Chapel Hill activities with__________________.  Faculty on both campuses are interested in developing an ongoing relationship, starting with a (activity)_____________.  Dr. ____________, Dean of the UNC-Chapel Hill School of _________________leads this effort.  __________________is named as main contact and will be responsible for program operations.  _________________Dean of _________________School of __________, leads program activities in _____________and is Dr. ___________counterpart.


By formalizing this relationship, initially through this memorandum of understanding and, once all aspects of this collaborative relationship are agreed upon, more formally through additional signed addendum, the UNC-Chapel Hill School of __________ hopes to establish a more permanent basis for these contacts and proposed projects.


UNC-Chapel Hill Institutional Role:

Additional collaborative activities/projects are outlined in the addendum(a) to this MOU.  Implementation of such addendum will require review and mutual agreement of both parties.  The UNC-Chapel Hill School of __________ and the School of ______________also may choose to provide non-binding financial and staff support to further the proposed partnership goals.  Additional contractual and binding financial support and/or joint research projects resulting in application for patent rights or human subject research will require additional review by the UNC-Chapel Hill University Counsel and new signed addendum to this Memorandum of Understanding.






Only the authorized agents listed below may make changes to this MOU and future addendum provided that both parties mutually agree upon such changes in writing.




Dr. Robert N. Shelton, Executive Vice Chancellor and  Provost,           Date

UNC-Chapel Hill        



Dr. Peter A. Coclanis, Associate Provost for International Affairs                      Date

UNC-Chapel Hill



Dr.___________, Dean, UNC-Chapel Hill School of________                      Date




Dr.___________,  Professor/Director                                                              Date

UNC-Chapel Hill School of ____________________