
Section 6

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6.1 What professional organizations can librarians join?

Professional organizations offer opportunities for networking, continuing education, placement services, scholarships, and professional publications. Organizations often have special interest sections that can provide support in your specific area of practice.

There is an excellent list of library organizations on the WWW at the School of Library and Informantion Science at San Jose StateUniversity, http://witloof.sjsu.edu/prof/colleagues.htm .

Some prominent organizations are:


6.2 What organizations are there for LIS students?

Most professional LIS organizations have student chapters; see the list of library organizations on the WWW at the School of Library and Informantion Science at San Jose StateUniversity for student chapters of the ALA, SLA, ASIS and the Society of American Archivists: http://witloof.sjsu.edu/prof/colleagues.htm

The American Society for Information Science, ASIS, http://www.asis.org/AboutASIS/asis-chapters.html, has student chapters at many schools. ASIS membership is open to any student with an interest in information science.

LISSO is the Library and Information Science Students Organization. I have located web sites for the University of Iowa and University of Kentucky chapters: http://mingo.info-science.uiowa.edu/~lisso/index.shtml

COMING SOON?? " Welcome to the future home of www.lisso.com", http://www.lisso.com/


6.3What organizations can I join to actively help libraries?

"A successful volunteer program in a library improves services, increases productivity, enhances the library's public image, and raises the levels of financial support for libraries." Volunteers in Libraries, by Rashelle S. Karp, http://www.ala.org/lama/slp/karp.html

Friends of Libraries, USA, http://www.folusa.com/, is busy teaching citizens nationwide how to develop local library Friends to raise funds, be advocates and promote libraries.

The objectives of the Friends of Canadian Libraries, http://www.friendsoflibraries.ca/, are:

  • to encourage and assist the formation and development of Friends of Library groups in Canada for all types of libraries
  • to promote the development of excellent library service for all residents of Canada
  • to provide Friends of Libraries groups access to information and ideas that will prove useful to them in the operation of their organizations; and
  • to make the public aware of the existence of Friends of Libraries groups and of the services they perform.

The mission of the Friends of Libraries Australia, http://home.vicnet.net.au/~fola/ , is to support and promote libraries through initiating, developing and enhancing Friends of Library groups in Australia.

If you want help out your local library, and get some great deals on used books, check the schedule of books sales in your area at Book Sale Finder: The comprehensive resource for book lovers, collectors, and bargain hunters looking for great books at great prices, http://www.book-sales-in-america.com/index.html .


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Anthony Wilson

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