Lighthouses of the United States: South Carolina

The United States of America is a federal union of 50 states and a capital district. The state of South Carolina has a relatively short and straight coastline facing southeast on the Atlantic Ocean, with Charleston as the principal harbor. Lighthouses survive at eight historic light stations in the state. Developers have restored two of the historic towers and also built several facsimile lighthouses. There is no statewide preservation group and for the past two decades preservation efforts have been focused on the critically endangered Morris Island Light. Several other lighthouses need attention, including Georgetown, Hunting Island, and especially Cape Romain.

Navigational aids in the United States are operated by the U.S. Coast Guard, but ownership (and sometimes operation) of historic lighthouses has been transferred to local authorities and preservation organizations in many cases. All of South Carolina's historic lighthouses are now in National Park Service, State of South Carolina, or private ownership. The Coast Guard continues to operate lights at only two of them, Georgetown and Sullivan's Island. South Carolina lights are the responsibility of the Coast Guard Sector Charleston and its Aids to Navigation Teams based at Charleston and Georgetown.

ARLHS numbers are from the ARLHS World List of Lights; Admiralty numbers are from volume J of the Admiralty List of Lights & Fog Signals; USCG numbers are from Vol. III of the U.S. Coast Guard Light List.

General Sources
South Carolina Lighthouses
Excellent photos, travel directions, and accounts by Kraig Anderson.
Online List of Lights - South Carolina
Photos by various photographers posted by Alexander Trabas. The South Carolina collection features photos of Charleston Harbor lights by Michael Boucher.
Beach Bum's Lighthouses: South Carolina
This site by Stephen Wilmoth has accounts and photos of visits to most of the lighthouses.
Lighthouses in South Carolina
Photos (mostly historic photos) available from Wikimedia.
South Carolina, United States Lighthouses
Aerial photos posted by
Leuchttürme USA auf historischen Postkarten
Historic postcard images posted by Klaus Huelse.
U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center: Light Lists
The USCG Light List can be downloaded in pdf format.
NOAA Nautical Charts
Nautical charts for the coast can be viewed online.

Cape Romain Lights, November 2021
photo by Ben Sumrell for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Horry County Lighthouse
* Governors
1985. Active (privately maintained and unofficial); focal plane about 85 ft (26 m); continuous white light. Approx. 80 ft (24 m) octagonal tower, painted with black and white horizontal bands. Andy Barth has a good photo, a nice view is available, has aerial photos, and Google has a street view and a satellite view. The lighthouse was built by a developer in honor of South Carolina's governors. Located on the north side of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway at the entrance to Lightkeeper's Marina in the Cedar Creek Village development, just off US 17 in Little River. Site open, tower closed. Owner/site manager: Lightkeeper's Village. .

Georgetown County Lighthouse
Georgetown (North Island) (2)
1867 (extensively rebuilt 1812 lighthouse; station established 1801). Active; focal plane 85 ft (26 m); two white flashes every 15 s. 87 ft (27 m) round old-style brick tower with lantern and gallery, painted white; solar-powered VRB-25 aerobeacon. The 5th order Fresnel lens used prior to 1999 was formerly on display at the Georgetown Coast Guard Station; later it was moved to the museum of the Coast Guard's 7th District headquarters in Miami, and in July 2014 it was put on display on a long-term loan to the South Carolina Maritime Museum in downtown Georgetown. The 1-story brick keeper's house, brick oilhouse (1890), and boathouse (1894) are also preserved. C. Bilyeu's 2021 photo is at right, Trabas has a closeup photo, Tim Vo has a photo, Wilmoth also has a nice photo, the Coast Guard has a historic photo, has aerial photos, the Maritime Museum has a page on the history of the light station, and Google has a satellite view. This is a rare early federal lighthouse, sturdily built with a stone stairway inside the tower. It was altered somewhat after being damaged during the Civil War; its height was raised from 72 to 87 ft (22 to 27 m). The light station was leased to the State of South Carolina in 1988 as part of a juvenile detention and rehabilitation center, but plans for this center were abandoned in 1990. In 2001 the light station was transferred to the state's Department of Natural Resources, which already owned the rest of the island as the Tom Yawkey Wildlife Preserve. So far the state does not appear to have a long-term plan for restoration and maintenance of the buildings. Located on North Island facing Winyah Bay, about 1 mi (1.6 km) north of the entrance to the bay and 25 km (15 mi) southeast of Georgetown. Accessible only by boat; cruises out of Georgetown visit the light station. Owner: S.C. Dept. of Natural Resources. Operator: U.S. Coast Guard. Site manager: Tom Yawkey Wildlife Center Heritage Preserve. . ARLHS USA-323; Admiralty J2582; USCG 3-0120.

Georgetown Light, North Island, December 2021
Google Maps photo
by C Bilyeu

Charleston County Lighthouses
Cape Romain (1)
1827 (Winslow Lewis). Inactive since 1858; charted as a landmark. Ruined 65 ft (20 m) round old-style brick tower, no lantern. This lighthouse is gravely endangered by isolation and neglect. The lower third of the rare wooden spiral stairway has disappeared. John Taylor has the street view seen at right, Jimmy Sanderst has a 2023 photo, Wilmoth has photos from a 2004 visit, a 2011 photo is available, and Google has a satellite view. It is amazing that this lighthouse has stood after being abandoned more than 160 years. Both Cape Romain lighthouses are on the Lighthouse Digest Doomsday List. Located close to the 1858 lighthouse (next entry). Site open, tower closed. Owner: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Site manager: Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge. ARLHS USA-134.
Cape Romain (2)
1858. Inactive since 1947; charted as a landmark. 150 ft (46 m) octagonal brick tower with lantern and galley. The upper half of the tower is painted with vertical black and white stripes, but the lower half is all white. The keeper's house was demolished in the late 1950s. Ben Sumrell's 2021 photo is at the top of this page, Anderson has an excellent page for the lighthouse, a good 2011 photo is available, James McIlrath has a 2017 closeup and a view of both lighthouses, John Taylor has a closeup street view, the Coast Guard has a historic photo taken in 1893, has aerial photos, John Taylor has a street view, and Google has a satellite view. This historic lighthouse is gravely endangered by isolation and neglect. The tower has a long-standing lean of several degrees due to a faulty foundation. The lighthouse was painted and the windows were replaced in the early 1990s, but the rusting stairway is very dangerous. Lighthouse Digest has Wilmoth's account and photos of a 2001 visit, and both Cape Romain lighthouses are on the Digest Doomsday List. In 2011 Tommy Graham, a contractor in McClellanville, carried out some emergency repairs to hold the lantern atop the tower. In 2014 Graham was working to replace the rusted stairs with wood steps: not historically accurate but much safer. Located on Lighthouse Island (also called Raccoon Key) southeast of McClellanville and about 1.2 km (3/4 mi) northwest of the actual point of the cape. Accessible only by boat, and there is no dock, so visitors must wade ashore. Tours are offered six times each year, three in the spring and three in the fall (reservations required; places are limited so book well in advance). Site open, tower closed. Owner: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Site manager: Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge. . ARLHS USA-133.

1827 Cape Romain Light, July 2019
Google Maps street view by John Taylor
* Charleston (Sullivan's Island, New Charleston)
1962. Active; focal plane 163 ft (50 m); two quick white flashes, separated by 5 s, every 30 s. 140 ft (43 m) aluminum (steel-framed) trapezoidal tower with overhanging lantern, top half black, lower half white; DCB-24 aerobeacon. The station has a historic coastal warning display tower. A 2023 photo is at right, Mark Scott has a fine photo, Trabas has a photo, Wikimedia has several photos, Henry de Saussure Copeland posted a nice 2010 photo, has aerial photos, the Coast Guard has a 1964 photo of the new lighthouse, the local tourist office has a good web page for the lighthouse, and Google has a street view and a satellite view. This is the last lighthouse built by the federal government and the only U.S. lighthouse with an elevator and air conditioning. It was designed by a young architect named Jack Graham, who was serving in the Coast Guard to complete his required military service. In May 2008 the Coast Guard agreed to transfer ownership of the lighthouse to the National Park Service, which already owned the Sullivan's Island Lifesaving Station next door. The formal transfer was made at a ceremony on November 8. The two stations comprise the U.S. Coast Guard Historic District. The Park Service is organizing a friends group to support restoration of the building and it hopes to open the tower eventually to the public. The 50th anniversary of the lighthouse was celebrated in June 2012. The light failed in November 2018 and the Coast Guard decided to replace the old optical system with new equipment. Located on I'on Avenue off SC 703 in Sullivan's Island. Site open (free), tower closed (the base is occasionally opened); group tours can be arranged. Owner: U.S. National Park Service. Operator: U.S. Coast Guard. Site manager: Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie National Historical Park (Charleston Light - Sullivan's Island). . ARLHS USA-825; Admiralty J2646; USCG 3-0195.
Fort Sumter Range Rear (3)
Date unknown (station established 1915). Active; focal plane 170 ft (52 m); white light, 3 s on, 3 s off; a continuous white light is shown in the daytime; also a passing light with a white flash every 6 s exhibited at a focal plane of 50 ft (15 m). 170 ft (52 m) triangular skeletal tower with gallery, mounted on a square platform supported by four piles. Structure painted white. Trabas has Boucher's photo and Google has a satellite view. The front light is much shorter. This range guides vessels in the Charleston Entrance Channel. A lighthouse built at Fort Sumter in 1855 was destroyed by a hurricane in 1893.When it was rebuilt, it became the front light of a range, and the rear light was placed on the steeple of St. Philip's Church (see below). In 1906 the front light was moved to a platform offshore; the rear light continued on the church steeple. In 1915 the 1906 platform became the location of the rear light. The rear light now stands close to the site of the historic Fort Ripley Shoal Light, a cottage screwpile lighthouse built in 1878 and dismantled in 1932. Located in Charleston Harbor about 1.7 mi (2.75 km) east of the southern tip of the city waterfront and 1.4 mi (2.25 km) northwest of Fort Sumter. Accessible only by boat. Site open, tower closed. Owner/site manager: U.S. Coast Guard. Admiralty J2648.1; USCG 3-2390.

Charleston Light, Sullivan's Island, June 2023
Instagram photo by Pensacola Lighthouse
* [Bennis Reach Range Rear]
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 71 ft (22 m); continuous red light. Approx. 12 ft (3.5 m) square skeletal tower, painted black. Trabas has Boucher's photo and Google has a satellite view. This beacon blocks two spaces on the top level of the South Carolina Aquarium Parking Deck in downtown Charleston. Site open, tower closed. Admiralty J2666.91; USCG 3-2506.
* St. Philip's Church (Fort Sumter Range Rear (1))
1893 (church built 1838). Inactive since 1915; charted as a landmark. Light formerly mounted in the steeple of St. Philip's Episcopal Church. A 2022 photo is available, Sarah Williams has a 2007 photo, Huelse has a historic postcard view of the church with its light in action, and Google has a street view and a satellite view. The church, one of the best known landmarks of old Charleston, was built in the 1830s, but the steeple wasn't added until the late 1840s. It carried the rear light of the Fort Sumter Range, and in fact the steeple is still in line with the range. Only one other U.S. church, the First Baptist Church of Beverly, Massachusetts, has been used as a lighthouse. Located at 146 Church Street in Charleston. Site open, tower closed. Owner/site manager: St. Philip's Church. . ARLHS USA-1163.
Morris Island (Old Charleston) (3)
1876 (Peter Hains) (station established 1767). Inactive since 1962 (a decorative flashing white light is sometimes displayed); charted as a landmark. 161 ft (49 m) round brick tower, originally painted with horizontal red and white bands, but the red has weathered to brown. The keeper's house was destroyed in 1939. Incredibly, the original 1st order Fresnel lens was sold at auction in 1938 and dismantled for resale to collectors; the top of the lens has been recovered and is on display at the visitor center at Hunting Island Light. Mark Gunkel has a 2022 photo, Corey Seeman has a good photo, Anderson has an excellent page for the lighthouse, Benjamin Burton has a 2021 drone view, a December 2014 photo is available, Anne Swoboda has a photo, Tom Check has a photo, has aerial photos, the Coast Guard has an 1893 historic photo showing the keeper's house, and Google has a satellite view. The 2024 photo at right shows the lighthouse much in need of repainting. This is the second oldest light station in the southern U.S., established in 1767. The tower has been gravely endangered since rapid beach erosion left it standing in the open Atlantic northeast of Folly Beach. (In recent years sand eroding off nearby beaches has settled near the lighthouse, possibly providing some protection.) The lighthouse was a charter member of the Lighthouse Digest Doomsday List. Fund raising for preservation was kicked off in 1999 by a $500,000 appropriation from the South Carolina legislature. Preservationists formed Save the Light, Inc. in 1999. Kim McDermott's 1999 Lighthouse Digest report described the history of the lighthouse and start of the preservation effort. In 2000 the South Carolina Natural Resources Board bought the lighthouse from its private owners for $1 and then leased it to Save the Light for preservation. In 2001 an engineering study called for stabilization of the existing foundation. In 2003 International Chimney Corporation completed a plan for complete restoration. After several frustrating bureaucratic delays work finally began in June 2007. The first phase, stabilizing the foundation with an external cofferdam, was completed by Taylor Brothers Marine in March 2008. In 2010 Palmetto Gunite Construction was awarded a $1.9 million contract to build 68 concrete pilings to replace the original wood pilings under the lighthouse. State legislators passed special legislation to speed approval of the project so that it could be completed before the fall hurricane season. About $5 million was spent on these stabilization projects and funds continue to be raised to restore the interior and exterior of the tower. Phase III of the restoration, including work on the interior, began in 2020. A Charleston Post and Courier article in August 2022 provides interior views; despite the work there are still major itrmes to address. Decorative LED lights were installed in the lantern and first lit in October 2016. In 2001 Charleston County purchased the 5.5 acre (2 ha) site of the former Folly Beach Lifesaving Station overlooking the lighthouse; this land is now the Lighthouse Inlet Heritage Preserve. In October 2020 Phase III of the restoration began; the work involves repairing the interior walls, stairs, metal work, rails, the roof, and replacing the glass in the lantern room. Located off the east end of Folly Beach and the southern tip of Morris Island. There's a good view from the preserve (limited parking is available at the end of Ashley Avenue; it's a 1/4 mile (400 m) walk to the beach opposite the lighthouse), and boat tours are available from Folly Beach. Site and tower closed. Owner: State of South Carolina. Site manager: Save the Light, Inc. . ARLHS USA-515.

Morris Island Light, Folly Beach, August 2024
Instagram photo by grandparich9

Beaufort County Lighthouses
* Hunting Island (2)
1875 (station established 1859). Reactivated (inactive 1933-1995, now maintained by the state of South Carolina); focal plane 132 ft (40 m); continuous white light with a more intense flash every 30 s. 136 ft (41 m) round cast iron tower, upper third painted black, lower 2/3 white. The keeper's house was destroyed by fire in 1938, but the oil house and two storage buildings survive. The upper portion of Morris Island Light's 1st order Fresnel lens is on display in the base of the tower and the nearby state park visitor center has historical displays. Scott Graham's 2022 photo is at right, Trabas has an excellent photo by Michael Boucher, has aerial photos, the Coast Guard has an 1885 historic photo showing the keeper's house, Raymond Czaplewski has a fine street view, and Google has a satellite view. This lighthouse replaced an 1859 tower destroyed during the Civil War. Fears of beach erosion caused the lighthouse to be relocated 1.3 miles (2.2 km) inland in 1889. Rapid beach erosion in the area continues and is threatening the lighthouse again; in September 2014 the Friends of Hunting Island State Park warned that erosion could reach the lighthouse in 5-10 years. The tower was last renovated in 1991. In May 2003 the lighthouse was closed after a broken step was discovered; it reopened in February 2005 after $108,000 in repairs. Wilmoth has posted photos taken at the time of the reopening. In 2019 engineers recommended a complete restoration of the lighthouse, estimated to cost $3 million. In 2021 the legislature approved that amount for a restoration then expected to begin in 2022. In February 2022 the lighthouse was closed to visitors due to deterioration of the stairs and gallery rail. The $3.2 million restoration finally began in August 2024 and the lighthouse is expected to reopen in late 2025. Located near the north end of Hunting Island at the end of US highway 21. Site open (state park entry fee); parking provided; tower closed for restoration in 2024-25; normally open for climbing daily year round except Christmas Day; the number of visitors allowed to climb per tour is limited and reservations at least 24 hours in advance are required. Owner/operator: South Carolina State Parks (Hunting Island State Park). . ARLHS USA-392; Admiralty J2744.5; USCG 3-4065.
[Parris Island Range Rear]
1881. Inactive since about 1912. The rear light was on a 131 ft (40 m) triangular pyramidal cast iron skeletal tower. The tower was demolished long ago, along with the keeper's house and the 45 ft (13.5 m) wooden front light. The brick oil house remains and after its rediscovery the Marine Corps spent $50,000 to restore the little building in 2005. Trees conceal the building in Google's satellite view. Anderson has a historic drawing of the lighthouse and a second drawing of the front light, a 14 m (45 ft) square wooden skeletal tower with lantern and gallery. The rear light was similar to the 1902 Baker Range Rear Light in Delaware. Located near the south end of the island within the Parris Island marine base. Site closed. Owner: U.S. Marine Corps. Site manager: U.S. Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island. ARLHS USA-1195.

Hunting Island Light, Hunting Island, August 2022
Google Maps photo by bobistraveling
* Hilton Head Range Rear (Leamington)
1881. Inactive since 1932 (a decorative sodium vapor light is now displayed). 94 ft (29 m) hexagonal pyramidal cast iron skeletal tower with an octagonal wood lantern, gallery, and central cylinder, painted white. The brick oil house (1892) remains, but the two keeper's houses have been relocated to Harbour Town, where one serves as a café and the other as a real estate office. A 2023 photo is seen at right, Google has a July 2019 closeup photo, Jake Walker has a photo, the Palmetto Dunes community has a page for the lighthouse, and Google has a satellite view. This lighthouse has a unique design. The tower was restored by the Palmetto Dunes developer in 1985. For many years nothing was done to maintain the lighthouse; it fell into increasingly poor condition was considered endangered. Photos taken in 2017 show the poor condition of the lantern at that time. Finally, in the fall and winter of 2018-19 the lighthouse was restored and repainted. Located on the Arthur Hills Golf Course at Palmetto Dunes on Hilton Head Island. Site open by appointment (call ahead), tower closed. Owner: Greenwood Communities and Resorts. Site manager: Palmetto Dunes Resort (Rear Range Lighthouse) . ARLHS USA-972.
*** Harbour Town
1970. Active (privately maintained); focal plane 90 ft (27 m); white flash every 30 s. 93 ft (28 m) octagonal cylindrical stucco tower, painted with horizontal red and white bands; acrylic lens. 2023 photo is at the bottom of the page, David Newman has a 2021 photo, Pat Dye has a 2009 photo, Jeffrey LeFors has a street view, and Google has a satellite view. Built by developer Charles Fraser, the lighthouse is well known as the symbol of Sea Pines Plantation on Hilton Head Island. The lighthouse stands across a marina entrance from the 18th green on the Harbour Town Golf Links, and every April it appears prominently on U.S. television when the Heritage Golf Classic is played on that course. In 2000-01 a $200,000 renovation added air conditioning, improved lighting, and additional historical displays. In 2009 the original lighting equipment was replaced with a solar-powered lens. The light originally displayed a white flash every 2.5 s but it was dropped from the USCG list in 2010 due to its limited navigational value. It was restored to the list in 2017 with the current pattern of one flash every 30 s. The exterior of the tower was restored and repainted in the fall of 2016. In 2018 the red stripes were covered with a plaid design in honor of the 50th anniversary of the golf tournament. This design proved to be popular so it was retained through the 2019 edition of the tournament. In 2022 a replica 4th order Fresnel lens was installed. Located at the end of Lighthouse Road, on the north side of the marina entrance off Calibogue Sound, overlooking the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway. Site and tower open daily year round (small entry fee for tower). Owner/operator/site manager: Harbour Town Lighthouse Museum . ARLHS USA-1135; Admiralty J2765.7; USCG 3-4395.

Leamington Light, Hilton Head Island, July 2023
Instagram photo by Dayna
Haig Point (Daufuskie Island) (Range Rear)
1872. Reactivated (inactive 1924-1987, now privately maintained); focal plane 47 ft (14 m); white flash every 14 s. 2-1/2 story Victorian wood keeper's house surmounted by a square cylindrical wood tower, painted white; acrylic lens. Debbie McKeeman's photo is at right, Island Explorer Tours has a 2008 photo, Jim Harper has a 2009 photo, Trabas has a view from the water (mostly obscured by trees), the Coast Guard has an 1885 historic photo, Cary Wiedman has a closeup street view, and Google has a satellite view. The small front range light has been demolished. The dilapidated lighthouse was first restored in 1965-67 by George H. Bostwick. When International Paper Realty bought all of the area in 1984, the company carried out an archaeological study and then carefully restored the building to its original appearance. In 2019 it became available for overnight accommodations. In recent years, beach erosion has removed most of the bluff in front of the lighthouse; in 2012 Haig Point property owners contributed $700,000 to armor the bluff with granite boulders. Trees surround the lighthouse on three sides but it visible as a leading light for southbound vessels. Located on the northeast point of Daufuskie Island opposite the Harbour Town Light, overlooking the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway. Visible at a distance from Harbour Town Light. Accessible by guided tours from Harbour Town. Site and tower closed. Owner/site manager: Haig Point Community. . ARLHS USA-217; Admiralty J2766; USCG 3-4370.
** Bloody Point (Daufuskie Island) Range Front (1)
1883. Inactive since 1899. 1-1/2 story wood keeper's house; the light was displayed from a dormer window on the upper story. Currently the house is painted white. A lamp house (very rare) and the oil house are also preserved. Duncan Watt has a 2016 photo, another page has photos taken in 2008, Bob Hilburn has a closeup 2021 street view, and Google has a satellite view. The building was relocated inland in 1899 and placed next to the rear light. The range was deactivated in 1912 and the house was sold in 1922 as a private residence. Owner Joe Yocius wrote a 2001 feature article on the lighthouse for Lighthouse Digest. Yocius placed the lighthouse for sale for $875,000 in April 2009. In 2015 it was purchased by Wick Scurry, owner of Calibogue Cruises. Scurry renovated the house and opened it in 2016 as a gift shop and museum, one of the stops on his company's guided tours from Hilton Head. Located at the southern end of Daufuskie Island near the sixth tee of the Bloody Point golf course. Site open; house open daily. Owner/site manager: Bloody Point Lighthouse and Museum . ARLHS USA-1003.

Haig Point Light, Daufuskie Island, April 2019
Google Maps photo by Debbie McKeeman

Information available on lost lighthouses:

  • Bay Point (1863-1869), Hilton Head Island. There is no longer a light on the point.
  • Bloody Point (Daufuskie Island) Range Rear (1883-1899), Daufuskie Island. Anderson discusses this light on his Bloody Point Front Range page. The original rear tower was a 91 ft (28 m) skeletal tower similar to the one at Parris Island. It was dismantled in 1899 and the range was discontinued in 1912.
  • Bulls Bay (1852-1912), northeast end of Bull Island, between Cape Romain and Charleston. The location of this lighthouse is now underwater and there is no longer a light on Bull Island. ARLHS USA-1168.
  • Castle Pinckney (1855-1938), on Castle Pinckney in Charleston Harbor. Three lighthouses occupied this location, which also served as a lighthouse depot from 1890 to 1917. The third lighthouse was deactivated in 1917 and demolished in 1938. There's no light here today. ARLHS USA-1002.
  • Combahee Bank (1868-1876), St. Helena Sound. Nothing remains of the cottage screwpile lighthouse on the bank. Trabas has a distant photo of the modern light, mounted on a tripod dolphin. ARLHS USA-1162; Admiralty J2740; USCG 3-4040.
  • Fort Ripley Shoal (1878-1932), Charleston Harbor. The historic cottage screwpile lighthouse was demolished but the location is occupied now by the Fort Sumter Range Rear Light (see above). ARLHS USA-298.
  • Fort Sumter (Range Front) (1857-1950s), on Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor. The first lighthouse was destroyed during the Civil War. A temporary beacon after the war was replaced by a square cast iron tower; that lighthouse was destroyed by a hurricane in 1893. The fourth lighthouse was a skeletal tower. Trabas has a photo of the modern light, which is about 400 yd (365 m) southeast of the fort. ARLHS USA-299; Admiralty J2648; USCG 3-2385.
  • Haig Point Range Front (1872-1924), Daufuskie Island. Anderson discusses this light on his Haig Point page. The location of the front light is now underwater. ARLHS USA-216.
  • Hilton Head Range Front (1881-1932?), Hilton Head Island. Anderson discusses this light on his Hilton Head Range page. The range was discontinued in 1932 and nothing remains of the front lighthouse. ARLHS USA-971.
  • Morris Island Range Front and Rear (1871-1898?). Anderson discusses these light on his Morris Island page and has historic photos. The lights were listed as late as 1898 but are missing from the 1899 light list. Nothing remains of them.
  • Parris Island Range Front (1878-1912), southwest tip of Parris Island. Anderson discusses this light on his Parris Island page. The location of the front light has been lost to beach erosion. ARLHS USA-1194.
  • Sullivan's Island Range Lights (1848-early 1900s), on and near Fort Moultrie on Sullivan's Island. These lights have disappeared completely. ARLHS USA-826 (front) and 827 (rear).
  • Venus Point Range Lights (1884-1905), north side of the entrance to the Savannah River. The range was discontinued and the lights removed.

Harbour Town Light, Hilton Head, January 2009
Instagram photo by Harbour Town Lighthouse Museum

Adjoining pages: North: North Carolina | South: Georgia

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Posted 2000. Checked and updated September 1, 2024. Lighthouses: 13. Site copyright 2024 Russ Rowlett and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.