The Pennsylvania/North Carolina/Maryland Branches
The Leinbach Genealogy
The Leinbach homestead in the Oley Valley, Berks County, Pennsylvania
  A Leinbach/Lineback/Linebaugh Genealogy
The German-American Patriarchs
     The Road to Wachovia
The Leimbach / Leinbach/ Lineback / Linebaugh Family in America.
     The Main Index to the Genealogy   (With Listings by Generation)
     Additions & Corrections
Related materials and events

By its nature, a genealogy is never completed. This one, however, is presently farther from completion than is ultimately intended. Your comments and suggestions regarding this "work in progress" genealogy of the Leinbach/Lineback/Linebaugh family are always welcomed!
Updated 12-22-1997
You are visitor since January 1998.

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