
Concept Pages

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Applets & Activities

applet icon Examples: A Charged Sphere

applet icon Examples: Lines of Charge and Extended Charges

applet icon Hidden Charges

activity icon Charged Sphere Spreadsheet Exercise


animation icon Negative Source

animation icon Positive Source

animation iconNo Source


the velocity and area vectors on a surface

Gaussian surface with point charges

Gaussian surface with 6 point charges, some distance from point P

electric field between capacitor plates

electric flux due to a single positive charge

plot of electric field vs. radius for a uniformly charged sphere

conductor and charged rod

charged rod touching conductor

charged conductor and charged rod

conducting shell surrounding a point charge

cube on axes

electric flux through a circular base

magnetic flux due to a bar magnet

box surrounding a point charge

flux through a box

water flowing perpendicular to a surface

water flowing at a 45° angle to a surface

water flowing parallel to a surface

cube with labeled faces

Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss, as a source

hidden charges example situation

cylinder with a charge at its center

6 closed surfaces with point charges

Gaussian surface outside insulating sphere

Gaussian surface inside insulating sphere

charge at the center of concentric spheres

flux through a curved surface

electric flux through a closed hemispherical surface

diagram of electric field due to a section of a charged ring

The Professor

plot of electric field versus radius for a uniformly charged cylinder

insulating sphere

charged ring with axes

charged insulating sheet with cylindrical Gaussian surface

Gaussian surface surrounding inner cavity of conductor

Gaussian surface just inside conductor's outer surface

charged conducting shell

electric flux through a Gaussian sphere

a spherical Gaussian surface

spherical surface surrounding a point charge

electric field and area vectors on a spherical Gaussian surface

Gaussian surface around a point charge

plot of electric field vs. radius for a charged insulator shell

box sides in a river

uniformly charged insulator shell

Gaussian surface inside a conductor

cubic Gaussian surface in a river

water flow through the box top

velocity is at some angle

water flowing across a surface of area A

water flowing through the box sides

water flowing through a box of sides a, b, and c

water flow through a box

line charge with cylindrical Gaussian surface