Title:   drawmap
Version:  2.5
Entered-date:  2001-08-02
Description:  Drawmap is a cartography package that draws maps using data from the US Geological Survey. Most of the USGS data is for the USA, but the GTOPO30 data has worldwide coverage. The output map is an image in SUN rasterfile format.
Keywords:  geography geographic gis cartography map usgs dem dlg sdts gtopo30 gnis gunzip library
Author: (Fred M. Erickson)
Maintained-by: (Fred M. Erickson)
Primary-site: pub/Linux/science/cartography/
   685 drawmap.lsm
   249257 drawmap-2.5.tar.gz
Platforms:  X86 Linux, probably other UNIX systems also
Copying-policy:  GPL

Located in: pub/linux/science/cartography
Index file: pub/linux/science/cartography/!INDEX.html
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