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Re: [nafex] Thinning of Spur-type apples

Thinning is basically the same---or one fruitlet per cluster and about 6-8"
apart.  The quicker you do it, the greater benefit.  Or, primary cell division
(makes 'em bigger!) occurs most intensely within 30 days post petal fall.  And
spur leaves are more efficient earlier---more photosynthates (sugars, etc.).
As leaves age, like us old folks, they become less effecient at what they are
supposed to do.
     Get 'em off now.

Ed, So. Indiana, Heaven, etc., etc.

"GUY, ROBIN C [FND/1820]" wrote:

> I need to thin my apples now, and I usually keep about 8 inches between
> apples. BUT, I can't remember how far apart should I keep spur-type apples,
> or is is all the same?
> Thanks,
> Robin
> Lake Forest, IL
> Zone 5, a bright, warm sunny day today!
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Old school buds here: