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Re: [nafex] Balck Walnut

Bill wrote:

Every fall the squirrels bring in balck walnuts from all over and plant
them around my property. These can grow into trees and poison my fruit
plantings. So every couple of years, before these seedlings get much
higher than a couple of feet, I get out my heavy pruners and cut them off
at ground level. Problem is, they do not die but regrow to be cut off
Does anyone have a suggestion for how to keep these from regrowing?
My reply:

Bill my experience has been that if you decide that you might wish to
reflect on the many endearing qualities for black walnuts:  

Beautiful wood, that fetches a wonderful price, magnificent shade trees,
black walnut ice cream, brownies with walnuts etc.  

In short I think if you try you might convince yourself that these are
valuable trees and that your should nurture and care for them.  I
strongly feel this will solve your problem.  Because anytime I want
something to grow some where, every time I try to cultivate it and help
it along the dang things die!!!

Wishing you a real solution to your problem,

				the fluffy bunny
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