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[nafex] Cure for gumosis?

Would someone be able to help this women and her husband? Have you 
heard of a remedy for gumosis such as the one offered below? I can 
forward your response to her.

My husband has his whole 4800 trees dying from bacterial fungi. About 
1/3 are already dead. It's a devestating sight. They have sudamonis 
(sp), and the bark is breaking and sap is running out. The leaves are 
dying first, and then the tree just withers up. The agriculture dept. 
here says it's from 2 years of frost in the winter. There are other 
growers in his area, but he's the only one with trees infected. Does 
anyone have any more information on this disease? Is it hopeless, 
will the whole orchard secumb, or will some survive to produce fruit? 
Any experience would be helpful. With thanks. Anne Mann

Posted by: bob - 5 (here@yougo.net <mailto:here@yougo.net>) on Tue, 
Jul 11, 00 at 19:44
This is a story I was told, by a local grower about another grower 
whose cherry trees were diying of bacterial gumosis. First he loaded 
up his sprayer with copper and white latex paint and using a hand gun 
he drenched his trees until they were white. The copper kills 
bacteria, and I believe he was able to use the paint because the 
trees were dormant. Otherwise you will need copper or some other 

 RE: bacterial fungi in Lapin cherry trees
Posted by: bob - 5 (here@yougo.net <mailto:here@yougo.net>) on Tue, 
Jul 11, 00 at 20:19
Try these; www.msue.msu.edu/index.htm ( Michigan State) 
glang@tricity.wsu.edu - Dr. Lang's old email(might still work) or, 
http//fruit.prosser.wsu.edu/ (WSU IAREC

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