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Re: [nafex] Weak Grape Cuttinings

I wonder if you tried too hard.  This year, shortly before bud break, I
decided I should have trimmed back my one-year-old grape vine
(canadace).  I cut off most of the vine, and just to see what happened,
cut it into ~one foot sections and stuck them in a vase on my kitchen
windowsill.  They leafed out nicely, and were quite attractive for a few
months.  Mid-summer, they started to look ratty, so I threw them out. 
when I did so, I was surprised to see that every one of them had rooted
- I'm sure that I could have potted them up.  (But didn't have anything
to do with them after that.)

I gave them nothing but water - there may have been a bit of Shultz
fertilizer in some of the water, only because I use it for my

Ginda Fisher
Eastern Mass.  zone 6

Thomas Olenio wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a first time grape cutting grower, and I must have done soemthing
> wrong.
> I started the cuttings early spring, and a couple of them still have just
> one or two leaves, and the root system in tiny.
> I used Pro-Mix seed starter as the growth medium.  The cuttings were kept
> moist and I followed all the rules, but the cuttings did not thrive (St.
> Croix).
> In repotting them today one had a single root may 1.5" long and two leaves
> about 1" across.  The other had the smae size leaves, but the root was
> just an 1/8th" long.
> It was most likely foolish, but I repotted them anyway in well composted
> sheep manure (top soil like), mixed with a small amount of Pro-Mix (seed
> starter medium) to lighten it up a bit.
> I hold little hope for them, but what have I done wrong.
> I threw one away that had the 1" leaves, but NO roots at all since
> February, which I find hard to believe the leaves lasted this long.
> Regards,
> Tom
> --
> Thomas Olenio
> Ontario, Hardiness Zone 6a

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