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Re: [nafex] Apple expert??

Ed wrote:

  A relavent (to NAFEX) example is simply the pitafully low prices which
fruit and trees are sold for.  RE: the recent commentary about Bear Creek
up for sale.
     And as surely as folks read this, I'll be blitzed with the typical
of stuff costing too much, whilst the same whinners are driving 'em
eco-efficient SUVs!!!!

My reply:

Low prices for fruit trees.  Where?  I am still smarting over the losers
I bought from Stark that they have yet to stand behind.   Let me know
where I can get cheap ones...it can't get much worse.  (Sorry, I just
sent my fourth letter-anybody can put a guarantee on paper, standing
behind it is another thing.)

Anyway here in New York I pay 1.39 cents a piece for Pink Lady apples(I
eat four a day).  Lady apples go for 3.99 a pound, Seckle pears are 4.20
a pound, Red(gag on them)Delicious "thingies" are 89 cents a piece.  
Peaches are 2.99 a pound.    I must have missed those low prices.   :  )

Actually Ed knows I am just funning with him, as we have discussed this
on several occasions.  My point is you would have to do a lot to convince
me that consumers are paying too much(footnote #1).   But by the same
token you would have to do little to convince me growers are receiving
too little.

I think in large part beside the fact the growers turned development over
to the academics years ago, stopped thinking as individuals, and
committed the sin of forfeiting the local markets, the distribution chain
is the problem.   

The other big problem is one Ed has clearly stated in the past.  Farmers
like growing things.  That is fine if that is all you want to do.   But I
think often times a "mythical" commentary about an "illusion" of freedom
goes along with that.   You are not truly "free" when a distributor
controls the price you are going to receive for your services.   Farmers
need to become business men, or band together in small groups and hire
business men that are responsible to the grower and work for the grower
not the other way around.

Anyway, I guess I'll get off my soap box, as this is probably best
addressed in another forum.

Live Large my friends,

				the fluffy one



Basically it is an issue of supply and demand with a few unique twists.  
There are two other issues that illustrate that the problem is relatively
systematic and that higher prices at the market would not really effect
the situation.  


The substitution effect with apples, based on my research appears
extraordinarily high.   


The second point, is related to the first.   The substitution effect
above is not a true substitution effect but a preference effect.   

The second point is extremely important and I think any grower would do
well to heed it.   It has extremely important ramifications.

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