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[nafex] Fall/Spring Transplanting in Zone 3

In my zone its not even close.  I've transplanted many apple trees both in
the fall, and the spring.  Spring planting wins hands down.  I only plant in
the fall if I absolutely have to.  It does work, but not as well as planting
around the 21st of April, which up here is the date the top 2 ft. of soil
has thawed.  My guess is the stress of a short, rapidly cooling fall, plus a
cold winter, stresses fall transplanted trees too much in my zone.  Trees do
noticibly better if you wait to transplant them until the third week in
April, rather than the fall, at least in central Alberta.  

By the way, the fall weather has been awesome so far.  Today we reached the
mid 40sF with no wind, and a bright blue sky. If this keeps up I may think
of planting banannas and mangoes next year :)
Bernie Nikolai
Edmonton, Alberta

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