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Re: [nafex] free water

Musser Forests sells very small trees fairly cheaply.

"victoria l. caron" wrote:
> Hi Del,
> I don't remember where you are. An excellent book on farm reclamation which has a lot of
> input on fish ponds is Louis Bromfield's, Malabar Farm. If I had had my copy returned to
> me years ago, I would lend it to you. You can try the local library. Also, you can check
> with your local extension office about the fish farming and other pond life. Up here in
> Zone 3 NH, we can use horned pout, perch, bass, sunfish or trout species depending on the
> depth and movement of the water.
> Thanks for the info on the "Partners in Wildlife" program. We are losing 60% of a half
> acre man made pond (the deep end of course) on our farm to the state highway which is
> being widened. They refuse to completely fill it in or replace it elsewhere on the farm,
> which has two excellent potential pond sites, one which is an overflowing spring. We have
> no potential blowout problem since we are in river bottom land. The estimates (3) we
> received for the cost of building a half acre pond to take the place of the one being
> destroyed average $15,000. If this program is like you say, it could be the answer to our
> prayers. Maybe someone out there will have the answer to our prayers on how to affordably
> replace the over 500 maple, birch, apple, black cherry and other trees, a thirty year old
> growth, (apples are older). Some of these are being removed to widen the road, but most
> are being removed to provide the contractor with parking space for vehicles and
> equipment. We would be happy to use the smallest nursery trees available and are not
> trying to replace them all. Even so, the price is prohibitive, and NO, the state doesn't
> get involved in that part of it. They just make a ridiculous offer of acquisition based
> on the difference of what an appraiser thinks the over all value of the property is
> before and after. If you don't like it, which we don't , they take it by eminent domain,
> which they did! We are grateful for any ideas on ponds, plantings, (I have 96+- seedling
> apple that can at least border the highway) or programs..................vic
> del stubbs wrote:
> >         after getting the go around with the soils and conservation district and
> > the DNR for 2 years trying to work out their cost-sharing etc. programs for
> > creating ponds, as well as their wetland restrictions, we came onto a real
> > beauty.  Its called the "partners in wildlife" program, by the U.S. Fish and
> > Wildlife service.  In complete contrast to the others it is quite well
> > funded.   The local fellow has put in over 500 ponds in one county, free to
> > the landowner, restricted only  to not removing it for 10 years.    On one
> > end I hired a trackhoe operator to dig 6 feet down, to give a 9+ deep hole
> > for droughts, swimming etc.
> >   Hows this on topic for nafex?  Its abundant water near my orchard and
> > garden areas i can tap into, for irrigating.   All together we have 10 acres
> > of wildlife ponds, where was only seeps and seasonal marshes before., my
> > only imagined concerns are filtering out dirt and algea,  and having
> > sufficient pressure for drips.
> >         This part applies to the Canadiens-  when recently teaching in Saskatchewan
> > (north of Saskatoon)  i noticed these short windmills an ponds, and learned
> > they are for aereation.  Anyone know of an address or web site for such.
> > as well as site for info on COLD climate fish farming?   I intend to gas
> > pump  the water uphill to a storage tank and use gravity feed for a drip
> > system
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