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[nafex] wet soil, highbush cranberry and archive homework

  When i first joined this amazing newsgroup i posted a querry about 
growers of viburnam trilobum, haven't found any growers yet.  My reason 
is that with these newly acquired ponds (ten acres, clay soil,  over a 
HALF MILE of new pond edge coming this spring, nature will plant 
anything i dont, so im after ANYTHING i can plant that is edible along 
this edge before Mama N. takes over.   So far in this zone 2b all ive 
heard of that is suitable (wet feet, clay, severe climate) is highbush.  
any other ideas?  
	Just started going through the archive of this egroup, plugged in 
wet soil and amazingly it found a few notes.  For anyone new to this 
site like me who hasnt 'done their homework' may i recommend taking the 
time to work ones way through the archives, its a wealth of info, and 
already ive had three ?'s answered that i would have pestered you good 
folk with this week. THANKS AGAIN for all the efforts that have gone 
before.  this site IS a school.            del, n. minnesota

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