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Re: [nafex] good stuff, perhaps

Ed Fackler wrote:

  I need some advice on blueberry culture for zone 6.  We've had
Coville and Blueray varieties here since 1976 and they've done
exceedling well with very little care.

     They produce some 30 lbs. of fruit per year per bush.

     And I'm going to expand this a bit with other varieties which ripen
at different times.

My reply:

Well I was waiting to see the replies before chiming in.

But first I have a few questions...standard ones at that.  

Is this for the home garden?   Do you want ornamental value?   Machine or
hand pick?   How many are you going to want to put out? (Different blue
berries are pruned differently, it is nice to be able to standardize the
pruning practice)    Is fruit size uniformity important?   Do you have a
fruit size preference?   

Considering there are about 100 named varieties of Northern bush
blueberries it is interesting to note both your previous choices are
noted for both for their taste, size(Coville being a bit larger) and
their ornamental values, Coville in particular for the leaves(sort of
waxy looking and fall color, and Blueray for its intense fall color).  
So I am curious what your motivations are.

Ed, as always, wishing you all the best,

			                 the rabbit

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