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[nafex] Re: Bearcreek closed - who else has scionwood?

It was suggested I post the list of scionwood I am looking for.  Here 
is my order list that was filled last year with Bear Creek Nursery.  
In the past I have selected varieties based soley on flavor.  Without 
realizing it, my collection of apples ripen almost exclusively late 
in the season - Oct-Nov.  I decided I needed some rewards earlier in 
the season, and that explains most of my list.

Bear Creek Order 2000 (now out-of-business)
arrived April 2000

I. Scionwood
  A. Unusual flavor
    1. Coles Quince Apple        quince flavor             mid Sep
    2. Early Joe Apple           pear flavor               early Aug
  B. Early and aromatic
    1. Mantet Apple              aromatic                  early Aug
    2. Sweet Bough               aromatic                  early Aug
    3. Starr Apple               aromatic                  mid Aug
    4. Jersymac Apple            aromatic                  mid Aug
    5. Sops of Wine Apple        aromatic, stained pink    mid Aug
    6. Tydeman's Early Apple     aromatic                  early Sep
  C. Other reason
    1. Sekai Ichi Apple          one of my favorites       Sep
    2. Methley Plum              one of earliest plums     late July

II. Trees
  Purple Beech                   edible nuts, purple leaves
   (Fagus Syvatia 'purpurea)

By the way, I found a fruit store near me that sells Sekai Ichi 
apples (my favorite) for 15 cents a pound.  They showed up a month 
ago.  They are huge, aromatic and very sweet.  They are used as gifts 
in Asia.  They were grown in Eastern Washington, and most likely 
didn't make the grade for export.  They have small blemishes and are 
going soft, but they are many times better than any other apple I can 
buy now.  I think I have gone through 40-50 pounds so far, and I'm 
going back for more.  I better not give out the exact location of 
this store, or my stash will be gone before I can get there.

-Mark Lee