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Re: [nafex] quince rust


     There is a new product called Immunox or Immunex labeled for the homeowner called Immunox or Immunex which contains the same active ingredient as Nova and/or Rubigan.  This should do the job on all types of rust, scab and mildew.

     Hope this helps.

Ed, So. Indiana, heaven, etc.

Ken Harnad wrote:

Gee! I thought that I was the only one that was having that problem.  I have been attacking it the same way (ferbam) with my quince trees and didn't have any decent fruit last year.  I hope some sage out there can shed some light on this.  Regards, ken
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 12:10 PM
Subject: [nafex] quince rust
 To all quince enthusiasts:
    Can you give advice concerning treatment of quince rust. It seems
    particulrly stubborn since the ferbam sprays work fine on my 15
    apple trees.For 2 yrs. now I  have not been able to harvest a
    single fruit because they get infected so badly.
    Removing the millions of neighboring cedar are no option either.
    Should I use Mancozeb or Captan instead?
                                 Chris Duffy in NJ

    PS  Any growing tips would also be much apprciated.

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