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[nafex] Ways to promote NAFEX membership

I really think that an organization needs to promote itself on the 
Web.  For example, the Northern Nut Growers Association, makes a lot 
of useful information available even to non-members, and were I in a 
position to grow nut trees, it would be the first place where I'd 
check for recommendations and other advice.

At the same time, this does not address the problem of promoting 
membership in NAFEX.  I guess the question is, Do we exist to promote 
our organization or its objectives?  Perhaps being open and sharing 
as much info without the need for membership is the best way to pick 
up more members.  Or, is Pomona, the species experts,  and an annual 
convention all we can offer a member?

There have recently been many excellent suggestions made by members 
of this listserv for promoting NAFEX.  A one-time mailing of sample 
copies of Pomona could perhaps pick up some enthusiastic master 
gardeners.  Working with the extension services might be one way to 
identify those who are most interested in fruitgrowing.  The copies 
of Pomona we mail to master gardeners could simply have a bound-in 
recruitment letter and membership application blank as a centerfold.

Each member being a spokesperson and making his plantings available 
to the public and reporters is another excellent suggestion.  It is 
probably the best way to promote membership.   I can read all I want 
about NAFEX, but I only really get excited when I read or see on TV 
someone who's growing something unusual in my region.  That gives me 
a local contact and ideas of things I might also try.  It's also 
likely that I'll enjoy the camraderie of others who share a passion 
for fruit growing.

The formation of local chapters is another excellent suggestion.  But 
as with any organization, attendance will have to compete with other 
demands for members' time.   I see this in every organization to 
which I belong.  In one, a genealogical society, we've recently 
increased our membership from about 100 to 150.  Yet, it will be the 
10 to 20 percent of those new members who really volunteer, advance 
the goals of the group, and get actively involved over the long run. 
The others come for the ethic food and celebrations and little 
else.--Sam Brungardt, Saint Paul, Minn.

The dilemma about dwindling membership

>From: "Brungardt, Sam" <sam.brungardt@pca.state.mn.us>
>To: "'samb@isd.net'" <samb@isd.net>
>Subject: FW: NNGA Web Site Updates & Announcements
>Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2001 08:07:55 -0500
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>X-DPOP: DPOP Version 2.5g
>Status: U
>>  ----------
>>  From:	Icomserve@aol.com[SMTP:Icomserve@aol.com]
>>  Sent:	Saturday, July 07, 2001 5:33 PM
>>  To:	Sproutnut@aol.com
>>  Subject:	NNGA Web Site Updates & Announcements
>>  Dear NNGA member or Web site visitor,
>>  The NNGA Web site has been updated as follows:
>>  - Feature article of the month is "Carpathian Varieties For The
>>    Northern States" by Gilbert Becker.
>>  - The following links have been added to our "Links Page":
>>    SEARCH SECTION - new nut-oriented search engine,
>>    FORESTRY SECTION - links to resources on forestry agency sites,
>>    BLACK WALNUT - links to black walnut resources
>>  1. If you are planning to go to the NNGA convention in early August,
>>     register soon.  You can link straight to a registration form from
>>     our "What's New" Page or from our home page.
>>  2. The NNGA has acquired two domain names:
>>     www.northernnutgrowers.org and www.nutgrowing.org. You may now
>>     reach us by using either of these domain names.
>>  You may go directly to these updates from the "What's New Page" at
>>  <A HREF="http://www.northernnutgrowers.org/nnga/whatsnew.htm";>
>>  http://www.northernnutgrowers.org/whatsnew.htm </A>
>>  To visit the NNGA what's new page now, click on the underlined page.
>>  Note:  Some e-mail software does not support links from mail to Web site
>>  pages.  If this is the case, come visit us later.
>>  Marsha Henkin,
>>  Webmaster
>>  NNGA


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