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Re: [nafex] red raspberries problem

Hello Victoria,  Having had similar problems, I wonder if you have
anthracnose.  It attacks the canes of most brambles and is usually revealed
by the lesions on the canes beyond which everything dies as the fungus
surrounds the cane and cuts off the flow of sap.  We haven't found a good
cure or prevention, beyond cutting out old floricanes and any diseased
canes.    Hector Black zone 6, middle TN
----- Original Message -----
From: victoria l caron <vicaron@gis.net>
To: <nafex@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 5:24 AM
Subject: [nafex] red raspberries problem

> Several years ago I rooted two cuttings of red raspberry from a local
> wild strain that acquaintances had dug up in a clear cut. The berries
> are large (penny to nickel size) and mostly round though it is not
> unusual for some at the top of the cane to be longer and somewhat
> pointed. Flavor is more tart than some of the named cultivars making
> them great for jelly and pies.
> The spring after the cuttings were rooted I dug up all the new shoots
> (35) and planted them 15" apart in the row. I keep them pruned to 5-7
> primocanes per foot and try to keep the spent canes cut out.
> I am trying to figure out why some stretches of row are productive,
> while others are barren. I think I have taken all the obvious into
> consideration.
> My theories include:
> -I know the soil was too rich at first and this could still be true in
> some spots which could be one reason for the lack of productivity. In
> the wild, raspberries and blackberries seem to do best in well drained
> soils with awesome size where there is an accumulation of bark mulch on
> the fringes of logging yards.
> -Then there is always virus which shows up in wild varieties, but can a
> virus cause a total lack of production?
> -I have cane borer and either that or a virus just turns the whole cane
> dead in no time. This can be seen throughout the row. I haven't worried
> too much about it since I have to prune out so much new growth to keep
> within the guidelines for red raspberries anyway.
> -Another clue maybe is that the more productive areas in fruit are also
> the ones that are sending out many more new canes to the side than other
> parts of the row.
> Does anyone want to toss this problem around? I'm just trying to decide
> if I should dig up the plants I'm wasting my time on.
> vic NH zone 3
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