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[nafex] grafts mosquitos & garlic

About 3/4 of the prunus americana, and 1/4 of the manchurian apricots 
recovered from the nasty vole munching this last winter, and put out sprouts 
big enough to bud graft.
  In the last month we've gotten all the water that Tom needed ( our 
apologies!), which hatched a host of skeeters bad enough even my native born 
wife has commennted on it.
  Bud grafting in the field, on the ground with up to 20 little buggers on a 
hand at a time is a bit of a concentration challenge. I got sick as a sick 
dog once just being near 'deet', so I got out my wife's bee helmet. That 
didn't help the hands. So...having planted and harvested a  bunch of 'hard 
neck garlic' I just had to see if these mosquitos had a trace of Italian 
blood...Nope.  I rubbed garlic on one hand..they wouldn't go near it! even 
after an hour they'd land and soon take off without a bite. Alas I got in 
the 50 grafts I'm late on. Mn Del

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