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Re: [nafex] bud118 propagating


Gordon C. Nofs
Flint, Michigan

----Original Message Follows----
From: Tom Olenio <tolenio@sentex.net>
Reply-To: nafex@yahoogroups.com
To: nafex@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [nafex] bud118 propagating
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 09:29:45 -0400


Has this constriction method ever been used in rooting
dormant hardwood cuttings?

In my limited experience, I find that those that fail seem
to put all their energy into leafing out, which then fails
due to a lack of roots.

Would the constriction (restriction of cutting reserves) of
the above ground portion of the cutting force more energy
into the production of roots?


del stubbs wrote:

 > 2 months ago I posted a query about stooling a b118 whose
 > graft had failed -
 > and had 4 suckers.   The 2 replies said ...use bread ties
 > to constrict the
 > juices.....or, just pile dirt around it, they naturaly
 > root.
 > In this highly scientific experiment :) I found both to be
 > true. but the
 > shoots with bread tie restriction had much longer roots,
 > one of the sprouts
 > breaking off at the tie when I moved it and having
 > sufficient roots to go it
 > alone.  My efforts a year ago at stooling prunus americana
 > all failed to
 > self-root, so I'll give gread ties a try next year on
 > them.    Thanks Mn.
 > Del,    where we still haven't had a real frost, and the
 > yelow jackets have
 > gone to bed -- so were getting autumn bliss raspberries
 > yet.
 > ___

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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