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Re: [RibesNAFEX] varieties

Title: Re: [RibesNAFEX] varieties
on 3/22/02 7:28 AM, Michael Levine at mlevine@umich.edu wrote:

I'm considering ordering these varieties and would like some input about them...

Hinnonmaki Red
Jahn's Prarie
Jonkeer Van Tets

How are these varieties?  Are any of them not worth planting?

Mike Levine
Ann Arbor, MI

Jahn's Prairie is one of the best bushes you will find - essentially thornless, bulletproof disease resistance.  Berries ripen later than most and are large and sweet enough to eat fresh.  Not really high flavor, and yield could be more, but about the best bush of all gooseberries.
Grapes, writing, consulting, more, plus word on my grape book at http://www.bunchgrapes.com

-Lon Rombough

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