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Re: [nafex] Fw: An Anti-Deer Recipe to Try

I think jimson weed is toxic.  I would be shy of spraying stuff that
nothing will eat onto a food crop.  If you do try it, you should at
least avoid the fruit and nearby leaves and stems.

Ginda Fisher

Mills Apple Farm wrote:
> Here is an idea I have been kicking around but have not yet tried to keep
> the deer from eating my Honeycrisp apples.
> I note there are several weeds that no critter eats, insect or mammal and
> one is jimsom weed.  I wonder if one could steam green jimsom weed tissue to
> extract the juices and use it as a spray, perhaps mixed with a
> carrier/sticker, to repell deer or anything else for that matter. Does that
> sound reasonable??
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Doreen Howard <doreenh@ticon.net>
> To: nafex@egroups.com <nafex@egroups.com>
> Date: Tuesday, September 05, 2000 2:50 PM
> Subject: [nafex] Fw: An Anti-Deer Recipe to Try
> >
> >I received this today and thought I would share with all you deer victims.
> >If you have any success with this recipe, please let Sally Ferguson know or
> >post it to this list so I can forward your results.
> >Doreen Howard
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Sally Ferguson <press@bulb.com>
> >To: A Note from Sally <sferguson@bulb.com>
> >Date: Tuesday, September 05, 2000 1:32 PM
> >Subject: An Anti-Deer Recipe to Try
> >
> >
> >HI!
> >
> >As gardeners and garden writers, we all know what a huge problem
> >deer have become.  Recently a friend in Sweden sent us a recipe
> >for an anti-deer formula.  They said this has been used
> >successfully for three summers at Sweden's famous Rosendal
> >garden.
> >
> >We're not sure anything will work against voracious American deer,
> >but we thought it was worth passing along.  One interesting aspect
> >of this idea is the use of florists' oasis to keep the treatment fresh.
> >
> >Swedish Skewers -- Deer-Repellent Cubes:
> >
> >Mix 2.5 lbs of bloodmeal into one bucket of water.
> >Add 1 cup of  ammonia.
> >
> >Place cubes of green Oasis (the kind used for cut flowers) on
> >bamboo stakes or skewers.  Dip the oasis into the above "soup" --
> >until saturated.  (Somewhat like making Fondue!)
> >
> >Place the Skewered Cube Stakes strategically throughout your
> >garden, hosta patch or naturalized bulb plantings -- or wherever
> >deer are problematic.  Re-dip the cubes weekly to resaturate.
> >
> >That's it.  We hear it works.  If anyone tries this, we'd love to hear
> >whether you found it effective or not.
> >
> >We're also open to hearing any other successful deer strategies
> >and would be happy to serve as an informal clearing house for the
> >info.  We've always tracked this issue -- but admit our annoyance
> >surged when we witnessed the audacity of the deer that ate the
> >holiday wreath off our friend Robin's front door, just 20 minutes
> >north of Manhattan!
> >
> >Looking forward to seeing you in Philadelphia, if you're going.
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >Sally