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[NAFEX] kiwi propagating

I met another local hardy fruit grower, (both he and his fruit are hardy) 
who years back had purchased a bunch of varieties of Russian kiwis. A couple 
of them survived the test winter of minus 55F and bounced back to form huge 
bushes. He doesn't remember the variety. Anyway, he gave me some cuttings a 
month ago as starters. Wow! just put them in soil and they really get going. 
Self propagated faster than currants or grapes.
My question is that the little guys seem to be full of  blooms (little white 
balls among the new leaves).
Both the supposedly male and female sticks show these, is that the way they 
Should I painstakingly pick off these blooms to help the stem and leaf 
growth.....or just let nature take its course?
Mn. Del

Del Stubbs  www.pinewoodforge.com  ag zone2/3

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