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[nafex] Japanese Beetles

Doc:   Years ago I treated my yard with milky spore, and my good fortune
was such that one of my neighbors did too.  Before that, I can recall
years when the Japanese beetles just ate up things like my Concord
grapevine.  Since then, I still have them, but at a very low level.
Oddly enough, the first choice for the few beetles I have is the blossom
of the calla lilly, which they will perforate.  Since the calla lilly
will winter over here, I have them in quite a few places, and it is
possible that they are drawing the beetles away from other activities.
I can't really say there is a direct cause and effect relationship
between the milky spore and the relative absence of beetles, but there
it is for what it is worth.  That milky spore can be quite expensive
when you are treating a large area.
   Perhaps I shouldn't discuss beekeeping on a fruit & nut board, but I
can tell you this: I've got the hives.  While I am pretty protective of
the girls (I regularly rescue them by hand from the ponds), I do use
insecticides, including Sevin, in areas where they are not working.
Have never observed any dieback, and, for some unexplainable reason, my
colonies are extremely healthy this summer in spite of the mites and all
the other enemies of the bee.
    BTW, I will probably be digging the callas this fall in areas where
they have become too thick.  I have mostly whites and violets, and some
yellows and oranges which seem to be less vigorous.  They propagate
bulblets by the hundreds, and I could send you a box if you are
interested.  Might give you a concentrated spot where you could knock
the beetles off with Sevin.  Bees don't bother with the callas.
    Wishing you ever greater distances,

Rgds, Don Yellman, Great Falls, VA

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