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reply to Wytze on corn pollination

Hi Wytze,
You made an interesting  question. I think that the 5 gm corn seeds per
thousand  would stay in equilibrium in the absence of selection.
However, with selection  from, for example,insect pests with Bt corn or
roundup from roundup ready corn it would not take long to populate a
field with GM corn volunteers. The time it takes depends on the level of
selection. The GM contamination level seems to have been set by  chemist
bureaucrats  without reference to  genetic consideration.

I hope there are corngrowers or other experts on pollination on the
list who could help me with the following question: if a 0,5% gmo
treshold level is set for sowing seed, than how big is the chance
that the resulting harvest will consist of more than 0,9% gmo's?
Is the assumption correct that a 0,5% gmo content in seeds will
remain 0,5% at harvest?

wytze de lange


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