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Re: Deep Water

Hi Wytze,
The impact of double fertilization on corn is called xenia if you wish
to look it up further. Xenia means that if you plant out a crop of
organic  corn wind pollination from a neighbor  with  rr or Bt corn  can
cause much of your "organic" corn to be heavily laden with transgenes
the first season you plant them out!
I am so happy we had this discussion. Sincerely, Joe

geno@ZAP.A2000.NL wrote:

Hi Joe and everybody,

Ok. What I learned from part I of the discussion is that:

-GE crops are not easily heterozygous, but rather homo-or
-endospermfertilization plays an important role in the issue of GE
transfer as far as tresholds are concerned.

It took me indeed a few hours of Googling today on the basics of
genetics, but it was certainly worth it. Looking forward to part II but
will try to wait patiently.


On 3 Aug 2003, at 12:19, joe cummins wrote:

Hi Wytze,
The homozygous rr crops are produced by crossing a pair of
rr lines. The progeny are 25% homozygous, 50% hemizygous and 25% non-GM.


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