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Re: Cloned Cattle; a new bone to chew on??

Hi Beth and John,
Cloning resulted in severe problems and some level of defect in most if
not all of the cloned farm animals. The problem is one of epignetics not
genetics. Epignetics is  developmental and environmental  alterations in
gene activity.The cloning problem arises from the permanent effect on
epignetically programmed cell nuclei which are not deprogrammed when
transferred to the embryo The question is " are the sperm and egg
epigenetically deprogrammed in the defective clones?" The answer is,
that has yet to be determined. There is some evidence to suggest that
the clone may not entirely deprogram sperm and egg. Even if that's the
case, why not boot leg  sperm from clone and  use that for marketable
animals?  The answer is that methods are beginning to appear to profile
the programming of the egg and sperm  and the embryo and that could
detect  gamete bootlegging.
Sincerely, Joe

Hook Family wrote:

It seems that a prize bull named Full Flush cannot produce enough semen to
satisfy the demand.  So a couple of years ago they cloned Full Flush and
they now have five bulls and a big supply of their frozen semen ready to
send out to eager farmers.  See a story at

Just to argue the point TECHNICALLY the meat resulting from the above isn't
cloned, its born the good old fashioned way.  Granted the father is a clone.
Dolly the cloned sheep I guess developed some health problems possibly due
to being cloned, so one might expect the above bulls to developed health
problems, but are these tendencies towards health problems passed on via
their semen?


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