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[SANET-MG] public relations paradoxes

April 6, 2004
Prof. Joe Cummins
?Public relations paradoxes in crop biotechnology?
        A common approach to promoting crop genetic modification (GM) through public
relations has been the repeated claim that crop genetic modification is a
simple extension of traditional crop breeding and selection that has been  done
for over ten thousand years. The main flaw in that  kind of public relations is
that  all of the current modified crops were developed using illegitimate
recombination to insert transgenes into the crop genome while all of the
traditional crops were produced using selection following homologous
recombination. GM crops are , strictly speaking, bastards.
        The paradox is further extended in dealing with the main crop modifications ,
herbicide tolerance and insect resistance,  in both kinds of modification
bacterial transgenes   are  used to modify the crops. In order to make the
bacterial genes function at high level in the crops  their DNA sequences are
extensively altered and  even the protein amino acid building block sequences
are changed to  enhance production of the proteins in crops. The synthetic
genes used in  crops have as little as sixty percent  DNA homology with the
bacterial genes from which they originated. That low level of DNA homology in
active proteins would take millennia to achieve by natural selection and
        Certainly bacterial genes  should  be returned to bacteria by the process of
DNA transformation (uptake and incorporation of genes by bacteria) in soil,
gastro intestinal tract or sewer However the synthetic copies of  bacterial
genes are not  found to significantly transform  bacteria in soil, intestines
or sewers. That outcome is not surprising because bacterial  gene
transformation  depends on homologous recombination. There must be extensive
homology for  bacterial genes to be transformed by DNA (that is probably the
reason that  bacteria do not turn into cows, pigs or chickens in our guts).Crop
genetic engineers  brag that the synthetic copies of bacterial genes  not only
work better in crops but also provide a natural barrier to the spread of
transgenes. To top out the melody of public relations paradoxes cooperatives
North American regulators deem that the cheaply produced  genes and proteins
from bacteria  can be employed in the safety tests  (both mammalian toxicity
and  environmental safety) as surrogates for the synthetic genes and products
and even scientific journal editors participate in the subterfuge.
        Since its very beginning science has depended on the dictum ?full and truthful
reporting?. Crop genetic engineering seems to have  replaced ?full and truthful
reporting? with   ?in public relations anything that sells ?.


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