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Re: [SANET-MG] gmo eucalyptus in SE Asia?

Reply to Hector Valenzuela,
I have searched for any deregulated GM  Eucalyptus   but as far as I can
find there have been numerous field test releases but no deregulated
items. In US many  eucalyptus  field tests have been done but the  tests
were shrouded in confidential business information designations.
Nevertheless, most of the tests  admitted being low lignin  varieties
and most of the other countries testing have sought low lignin
varieties, Low lignin is well known to cause disease sensitivity to
insects, fungi and bacteria and the felled trees decay rapidly.
UK has tested a glyphosate resistant tree to please Monsanto.
I would judge that the first tests of low lignin eucalyptus  in tropical
regions led to feasts by disease organisms.
I would like to join Hector in asking have any GM  eucalyptus  been
deregulated ?
sincerely, prof. joe cummins

Hector Valenzuela wrote:

Hi all:

Anyone has knowledge of failed gmo eucalyptus plantings in SE Asia, due
to disease outbreaks (while non gmo plantations in a neighborin country
were not affected)? In Hawaii the gmo papaya was also more susceptible
to some diseases.



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