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[SANET-MG] lack of oinformation on GMhealth effects

The article below makes an important point about publications on GM
crops. Certainly,on top of the information provided below ,the North
American regulatory reviews on safety of the toxins and enzymes in GM
crops has allowed substitution of products produced in bacteria for
those produced in GM crops even though both DNA and protein produced in
crops differs from those in bacteria. Many journal articles  in
environmental safety have allowed similar substitutions without
adequately reporting  that the products were dissimilar. The science
reporting in influential  science journals seems more public relations
than full and truthful reporting.
Cordis News
Study warns of lack of information on GM health effects
[Date: 2004-06-25]

A recently published survey by a team of scientists in Norway and
Denmark has revealed a serious lack of public research into the health
effects of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

The study, by Professor Ian Pryme and Rolf Lembcke, published in the
journal Nutrition and Health, found that only ten studies on the health
effects of GM food or feed have been published. Furthermore, according
to the professors, the quality of some of the research published was
poor and inadequate.

'Although very many have voiced their opinions, both in the popular and
scientific press, there is only very limited data published in peer
reviewed journals concerning the safety of GM food. It would seem
apparent that GM food regulation is currently based on a series of
extremely insufficient guidelines,' states the report.

Over half of the published studies were carried out in collaboration
with private companies, and none of those studies found any negative
effects on humans. In the studies considered independent, namely studies
carried out by institutions able to develop and cultivate GM plants
themselves, 'adverse effects were reported (but not explained)' states
the survey, adding that 'it is remarkable that these effects have all
been observed after feeding for only 10 to14 days.'

Many studies remain unpublished, noted the report, while several others
have been duplicated.

'In conclusion we feel that much more scientific effort and
investigation is necessary before we can be satisfied that eating foods
containing GM material in the long term is not likely to provoke any
form of health problems. It will be essential to adequately test in a
transparent manner each individual GM product before its introduction
into the market,' ends the report.

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