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Re: [SANET-MG] toxic organic baby food

Hi Lion,
I was expressing concern about the methods and motives of the Food
standards Agency (FSA). Even though the PCBs and Dioxins were the only
tests (not pesticides in use) the results still look fishy. FSA has
assumed an irrational public relations stance against organic in the
past and cannot be considered a group of unbiased scientists.
In USA of the early 1980s hundreds of pesticides were permitted on the
market on the basis of safety tests conducted by Industrial Bio-Test
Laboratory, a concern later found to have submitted many flawed or
fraudulent reports on its procedures and results. One officer from the
company of the fraud was jailed briefly but released soon after for
health reasons.
FSA has been so violently biased against organic that there findings are
tainted from the start. FSA should hand over science to an independent
agency and just stick to slimy public relations.

Lion Kuntz wrote:

I am unclear what Joe Cummins purpose for posting this message was. If there was an
atom by atom test of all food products from every manufacturer of every kind and type,
it would be found that the vast bulk of it is not immediately and dramatically

This partial test for a small subset of widespread environmental pollutants found
detectable traces of the small subset they were looking for, and found zero traces of
the things they were not looking for. What a coincidence. What are the odds of that
happening sometime in the next million years?

What they found was a non-food story, that was crafted to insinuate that if there are
miniscule detectable traces of widespread environmental pollutants in all food items
selected for testing, THEREFORE, there are no other differences between the products.
That is simply not true on the face of it: foods may have different colors, different
textures, different tastes, different aromas, different vitamin contents, different
destructive impacts on the environment, and make profits for different sets of
profiteers. These are prima facia truths which need no laboratory testing to certify
are true.

There are multiple criminal conspiracies to divert market share to some investor groups
holding some food industry share by fabricating news items that serve only to throw an
insignificant factoid out that implies that the competitor is hiding the truth about
their foul products

ORGANIC baby foods carry higher toxin levels than conventional products,
according to a damning new report by the Food Standards Agency.

This staement is not confirmed by the rest of the information provided in this public
relation press release masquerading as a news story. What the "story" actually
disclosed is that inconsequential differences, of inconsequential amounts of
substances, which are dangerous in significantly larger amounts, were found in all
foods tested.

A substance is not a "toxin" at inconsequential amounts, and the word "toxin" was used
to smear a clas of products to benefit manufacturers of a competing class of products.

according to a damning new report

The word "damning" is slipped in to add interest to an uninteresting article. How much
inconsequential strontium 90 was found? How much inconsequential lead, mercury,
arsenic. There are bound to be a few atoms of each in every spoonful of food on the
planet. That dioxins are mentioned, and specifically selected out, may be a clue that a
chlorine manufacturer is co-funding or wholely funding the "study". DDT is made by
chlorine production corporations, as is most of the potent synthetic pesticides.
Ironically, they are the origin of the dioxin pollutants which get well dispersed in
the environment because thjey have such long lifetimes in the environment that they can
be blown in the winds and washed by runoff and flooding over many decades -- even found
in high concentrations in polar bear flesh. It could be part of a "gradual acclimation"
campaign -- getting people used to dioxins in everything so regulation is useless and
ineffective because the world is already poisoned.

The article mentions that dioxins are expensive and difficult to test for -- I have no
personal knowledge if that is true, but if it is true, who paid for this study -- the
public might have some fool idea that scientists idle around their labs until a
lightbulb goes off over one's head and he shouts "lets test baby food for dioxins", but
the truth is that funding for research is all too difficult to obtain for most science
workers and they end up working on projects somebody hired them to work on.

A spokeswoman for the company Organix said: "We welcome these tests and
we would like to see more guidance from the government so that we could
make sure that toxin levels in food are reduced. Testing for PCBs and
dioxins is very expensive and we would ideally like to be able to do it
ourselves if possible. Intelligent testing of all the ingredients rather
than finished products would allow us to source ingredients from the
cleanest sources and make products even safer."

"the Food Standards Agency"
"The Consumers’ Association"
"Julia Clark"
"John Webster, an expert in food science who advises the food industry"

I've seen this so often... public relations agencies making a killing opening fake
organizations. You trace these people and you are likely to find they have the same
phone number and address, but then again, the truly sophisticated operations can afford
dozens of front organs and scores of "hired guns" science-hoax mouthpieces. Wasn't it
just a few days ago I posted some data on Roger Bate? He founded ESEF using Philip
Morris money, and works on DDT issues in Europe and Africa.

Google.com says it has 880 links for "Roger Bate" AND "DDT" 1,860 for "Roger Bate" AND
"Malaria". Sounds like a "good guy, white hat" working for the downtrodden poor of
Africa, but look at the pharmaceutical industry (same people make DDT in their chemical
subsidiaries) care and concern over AIDS in Africa and ask yourself "If they are only
in it for the bucks about AIDS drugs, why believe they are any different if given a
green light on DDT?"

Here read this PDF file:

Now, here's Bate's partner in South Africa, from his CV posted online:

"... Dr Kemm founded the environment and technology lobby group Green and Gold Forum.
The Forum's objective is to bring a scientifically accurate and balanced view of
environmental issues to the public, and senior national decision-makers.

In 1994 Dr Kemm was appointed to the International Board of Advisors of the Washington
DC-based environment and technology lobby group; The Committee For A Constructive
Tomorrow. This organisation has a daily radio slot on more than 250 American radio
stations. ..."

Both Bate & Kemm are together on CFACT science-hoax advisory board ... read SCIENCE
COP's report on CFACT:


... Then look at the pretty picture I made of this CFACT science-fraud organized crime

The screen is filled but this is a simplified view of a sophisticated science-hoax
organized crime ring. Roger Bate is way over on the upper left side, and Kemm is way
down on the lower right corner area. All the ones with no front oprans in THIS database
(Exxon-funded crime rings) are set over on the right, and those with multiple other
connected crime rings are on the laft three quarters of the screen. The picture is
arranged to illustrate as clearly as possible the first tier of connectedness -- each
organization shown has additional conspirators NOT CONNECTED to CFACT, so they are not
displayed, and each of those people may also have another tier of front operations they
are multiply connected to.

Example: the SEVEN SAMURI of Global Warming Science Hoaxes are shown on this picture:

Milloy, Micheals, Baliunas, Ames, Gough, Seitz, Singer, shown with 36 Organized Crime
front operations in their FIRST TIER. I keep hollaring at the software guys to update
their database -- my investigations have unearthed double the number of organized crime
operations in their database. The software only lets me construct pictures with this
inaccurate database, so the illustrations are suggestive but not comprehensive.

Now some poor organic farmers will get kicked in the teeth by these big bullies, but
that is NOT MY PROBLEM. In 1998 I posted on SANET-MG the clarion call to get a
farmer-sponsored NGO that would have the research and testing facilities in-house to
provide testing services.
Sun, 5 Jul 1998 19:11:57 EDT
"... Abstract: This document describes the formation of a non-profit corporate
institution for the teaching and implimentation of Ecological-Synergy(tm)
principles for long-term sustainable agriculture in Washington State, USA.
It contains a synopsis of historical perspectives on the perceived necessity
for such an institute coming into existence. Short-term objectives are
described. Communications from interested parties are requested. ..."

You, Joe Cummins, or whoever used his email name, posted an article without test
facility identified, so they cannot be challenged. Remember when 20/20 John Stossel on
ABC (Disney) TV allowed false and fraudulent 'test" results on E.coli that never
happened? You, whoever you are, did nothing in the way of researching this article
before recirculating unsubstantiated material that has a smell of "propaganda" on it.
Why is that MY PROBLEM? I gave these organic farmers six years to get their act
together and have their OWN SCIENCE TEAM working for them to beat back the science
hoaxes. They weren't interested and now they are picking their teeth up off the grough
after the bullies thrashed them.

Interestingly enough, it was SANET bullies that kicked in my teeth, nor corporate
organized crime.

--- jcummins <jcummins@UWO.CA> wrote:

FSA seems to be an agency serving industry that first should be
investigated before more baby food is fouled.
Sun 18 Jul 2004 the scotsman

Organic baby food 'worst for toxins'

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Sincerely, Lion Kuntz
Santa Rosa, California, USA
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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