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[SANET-MG] GM pollution in papaya

I understand that the male papaya plant releases a lot  of pollen that is light and spread widely. The Hawaiian agriculture  extension earlier believed that home and organic papaya would not be polluted from GM pollen. However, that publicity failed to realize that the seeds of papaya are consumed and both embryo and endosperm of the seeds is clearly heavily polluted with GM pollen. The skin and orange flesh of the fruit is not effected by pollen while the seed embryo and endosperm are. The GM polluted plants are not protected from the virus but they are polluted with the transgenes and not suitable for sale as organic.

Op wo 08-09-2004, om 19:50 schreef GM WATCH:

GM WATCH daily
Nearly 20,000 papaya seeds from across the Big Island, 80% of which came from organic farms and the rest from backyard gardens or wild trees, showed a GM contamination level of 50%.

"Papaya contamination is a case study in the threat that GMO contamination presents to local agriculture. It is now obvious that coexistence of traditional and GMO crops is impossible." - GMO-Free Hawaii.
News Release: Embargo 00:01 September 9 2004

Contact:  Melanie Bondera, Hawaii GEAN +1 808 640-1643 or Noli Hoye,
GMO-Free Kauai +1 808 651-9603

New Research Reveals Widespread GMO Contamination and Threats to Local Agriculture From the World's First Commercially Planted
Genetically Engineered Tree

Outraged Farmers, Consumers and Backyard Papaya Growers Return Contaminated Papayas to the University of Hawaii in Crop Dump

Hilo, Hawaii -- Independent laboratory testing results released today reveal widespread contamination from the world's first commercially
planted genetically engineered tree, the papaya, on Oahu, the Big Island, and Kauai.  Contamination was also found in the stock of non-genetically engineered seeds being sold commercially by the
University of Hawaii.

Farmers, health professionals, concerned citizens, and University of Hawaii scientists joined GMO-Free Hawaii in announcing the shocking results of their research at the University of Hawaii, which created
and released the GMO papaya.  Dozens of outraged farmers, consumers and backyard growers brought their contaminated papayas back to the university to underscore their demand that UH provide a plan for cleaning up papaya contamination.  The campaign also called for liability protection for local growers and the prevention of GMO contamination of other Hawaiian commodity crops.

All samples were tested by Genetic ID, one of the world's leading scientific laboratories for genetic contamination testing.  Composite samples from the Big Island and Oahu both revealed GMO contamination.

Nearly 20,000 papaya seeds from across the Big Island, 80% of which came from organic farms and the rest from backyard gardens or wild trees, showed a contamination level of 50%.  Oahu's composite of papayas, primarily from organic farms, showed contamination of over 5%, and trace levels of contamination were found on an organic farm
on Kauai.  One package of seed of the Solo Waimanalo papaya, a non-genetically engineered variety purchased directly from the University of Hawaii, also tested positive for GMO contamination.

 "It is an outrage that UH is selling contaminated papaya seeds to our local farmers and growers," said Toi Lahti, an organic farmer and papaya grower from the Big Island.  "Not only could organic farmers lose their certification by growing genetically engineered papayas, GMO papaya seeds are also patented by Monsanto among others.  This
opens farmers to lawsuits for growing GMOs without paying patent fees first, even if they planted them without their knowledge."

"These tests indicate that UH's non-GMO seed stock is contaminated, and so there can be no doubt that the University must take immediate
action to protect farmers, consumers and the environment," said Mark Query of GMO-Free Hawaii.  "Papaya contamination is a case study in
the threat that GMO contamination presents to local agriculture. It is now obvious that coexistence of traditional and GMO crops is impossible."

Farmers raised concerns about the impact the contamination crisis could have on export markets, particularly to countries like Japan that have stringent regulations about importing genetically
engineered crops. "The Big Island is home to most of the commercial GMO papaya fields in the state," said Melanie Bondera, a farmer from Kona and member of the Hawaii Genetic Engineering Action Network.

"The continued planting of GMO crops risk giving Hawaiian agriculture an undeservedly bad reputation in major export markets around the

Dr. Lorrin Pang, MD, MPH, a public health specialist, discussed potential human health threats posed by the GMO papaya and other GMO foods, including increased antibiotic resistance and unexpected
allergenic reactions.  "All of these concerns are troubling in themselves, but they would be less worrisome if the GMO mutations did not spread beyond our intentions.  Today's report shows that they do," Dr. Pang said.  "If a health problem arises that is attributable to GMO foods, it will be impossible to recall such a live, dangerous
mutation once it has been released into the environment."

Dr. Hector Valenzuela, a scientist specializing in tropical crops from UH Manoa's Department of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences, asserted that the University's focus on promoting genetic engineering
is steering Hawaiian agriculture in the wrong direction.  "Instead of supporting untested technologies like genetic engineering, the University of Hawaii should redirect their resources to focus on
researching and promoting workable, non-GMO solutions to local agricultural problems.  Hawaii farmers need agricultural advances that can protect their farms and our state's agricultural economy over the long run."

Bondera outlined the campaign being launched by GMO-Free Hawaii based on these contamination results.  "Despite the problems local growers
have had with the GMO papaya, the University is now genetically engineering taro, pineapple, banana, sugarcane, and other commodity crops," said Bondera.  "The problems with GMO papaya contamination show us that there are too many unanswered questions about agricultural biotech to be releasing new experimental genetically engineered organisms into our environment.  Hawaiian farmers want to see an immediate moratorium on the release of other genetically
engineered commodity crops, and a commitment from the University to fund research into local, sustainable agriculture."

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