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Re: [SANET-MG] there's gold in them thar (cilantro)

Hi Dale,
You seem to "misunderstand" what I have been writing. Regarding golden
rice I have indicated that I believe the level of  beta carotene  and
Vitamin A is so low that the only benefit it provides is public
relations for  the producer and the corporation that runs it. Regarding
poor people, the corporate  motto seems to be "let them eat pr".
Turning to the reported golden potato, the level of  of beta carotene
mentioned in the paper was sufficient to fulfill the dietary requirement
of a child, however, that level was not firm according to the article
and it could be higher or lower. The area needing study, I believed, was
the impact on the person, say a pregnant person, eating a normal vitamin
A rich diet. If the combined level was sufficient to cause a birth
defect  than the patentee of the potato should be liable.
Finally, I am sorry that you have a reading problem. sincerely,joe

Dale Wilson wrote:


The modest amounts of B-carotene
that can be engineered into potatoes or rice, is only a partial

It is no solution at all! Natural unmodified carrots might be but
they are too expensive you say. Is there anything easier than
growing carrots? It is a lot faster and easier than growing either
potatoes or rice. And carrots are probably a good bit
cheaper too.

I love carrots, to eat them and to grow them (although I find early
weed control a bit daunting).  If I could, I would give everyone in the
slums of Calcutta a carrot.

My reason for bringing up carrots and leafy vegetables is that these
are examples of foods very high in B-carotene.  Joe had expressed
concern that levels of B-carotene in golden potatoes and rice will be
too high and cause toxicity.  The obvious healthfulness of many
vegetables much higher in B-carotene calls into question any concern
with the modest amounts found in golden rice and potatoes.

Another solution would be any one of a variety of plants that grow
for free almost anywhere in the world if one lets them.

Yes, I agree.  BTW, cilantro is super-high in B-Carotene.  We are still
getting loads of it from the garden.


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