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[SANET-MG] promoting gm crops


Monsanto is to pay $1.5m in penalties to the US government over a bribe
paid in Indonesia in a bid to bypass controls on the screening of new GM
cotton crops.

According to a criminal complaint by the Department of Justice under US
anti-bribery laws, the company paid $50,000 to an unnamed senior
Indonesian environmental official in 2002, in an unsuccessful bid to
amend or repeal the requirement for the environmental impact statement
for new crop varieties.

The Financial Times reports, "The [bribe] was delivered by a consultant
working for the company's Indonesian affiliate, but was approved by a
senior Monsanto official based in the US, and disguised as consultants'

"The company also admitted that it had paid over $700,000 in bribes to
various officials in Indonesia between 1997 and 2002, financed through
improper accounting of its pesticide sales in Indonesia.

"The attempt to circumvent environmental controls on
genetically-modified crops in a developing country is a significant
embarrassment for Monsanto, which is engaged in an ongoing campaign to
win public support in the European Union for its genetically modified

In how many other countries around the world have similar things been
going on? This is very probably the tip of the iceberg.

***Read the full articles from the Financial Times and Associated Press***

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