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[SANET-MG] the DDT thread from Kristof's NY times article

Kristof's article in the NY Times is rather bizarre, DDT is certainly
used indoors in several countries to control Malaria and that use is
agreed to by WHO. However, expanded DDT use (even though Kristoff argues
 DDT ban should be maintained in USA) will not prevent elevated
pollution by the pesticide in northern countries and destruction of
birds and marine mammals. POPs such as DDT are vaporized in warm
countries and deposited from rain and snow in cold countries.Kristoff
seems to ignore that well established fundamental. That journalist seems
to have learned his craft at the knees of "great" NY times reporters
such as Jason Blair.
What is even more disturbing is that Kristof failed to notice that a
traditional Chinese malaria drug artemisinin (sold as artekin) is
proving more effective than any other drug and is being dispersed world
wide.The Gates Foundation in Seattle is contributing  one of a number of
efforts to increase worldwide distribution of the remedy.
How could a serious journalist have failed to do homework in the aria of
 Malaria? Was he just scrambling to meet a deadline for an article
after a long holiday?
Sincerely, joe cummins

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